This man could not hold his alcohol and it showed. I look out front to see his car running. He must have driven here but not well since he almost drove up my steps to my doorway.

"What the hell are you doing here ?" I ask bitterly

He stands up slowly "I'm here to fight for my women."

I roll my eyes at how pathetic he sounds. "Get up and collect yourself. Don't make yourself look even more stupid."

I see his hands ball into fists and he charges after me. But I dodge him again and he comes crashing into my wall causing one of my painting to come crashing down breaking the frame. I sigh and grabbed him by the collar dragging him to the living room throwing him down.

"I said fucking collect yourself not throw yourself." I say

"How could you try and take a taken women? She's with me." He says looking down

"I'm not trying to take shit. Stop being paranoid."

I finally look at the time it read 4 am and I knew I wasn't going into the office today. While I was distracted I felt something hit my face hard causing me to crash into my class table and it shattered into a thousand piece.

"Son of a bitch."

I get up and grab him punching him once hard causing him to get knocked out by all that alcohol he probably consumed. I checked if he was breathing and he was. I groan as I walk over slowly picking up the bottle of my favourite drink he smashed on my face. Luckily that didn't break but I couldn't say much about my table.

I walk over to the kitchen and grab my phone calling Mia. After two times she picks up.

"Harry?? Do you realize the time?" She mumbles into the phone

"I'm not calling you for my own pleasure Mia. Your boyfriend trespassed onto my property and started to attack me. I'm just here to inform you I'm calling the police."

"WHAT? No please don't. I'll come get him just please let me handle this."

I sigh "Fine but if he ever comes here again I won't hesitate to contact the authorities and get him arrested."

"I understand I'll be there soon." And she hangs up without saying goodbye.

Oh angel you don't deserve this.

I walk back into the living room and see him still passed out on the floor. I pick him up and lay him down on the couch. I grab the nearest blanket laying it over the broken glass.

What kind of mess are you getting yourself into now Harry ?

Not long after I slightly clean up I hear knocking and I open the door to reveal Mia looking all panicked.

"Jesus Harry your face."

I move aside and let her in, closing the door behind her. "Believe me when I say he looks much better. He's in the living room."

She walks past me into the living room. "He's asleep." She says

"That he is." I state as I lean against the door way.

"Harry you're bleeding." She says as she stares at me

I shrug "I did have a bottle smacked on me causing me to fall on my glass tables which is now shattered. I quite liked that table."

"Do you have a first aid kit ?" She says as she walks past me.

"Yes in my bathroom attached to my bedroom." I say

She leaves and walks up the steps but stops half way turning around to look at me "well come on."

I raise my eyebrows and follow her to my bathroom. She goes into my counter pulling out the first aid kit and opening it.

"Sit on the toilet." She orders me

I don't argue like I normally would and just listen and sit down.

I watch as she grabs a towel and sets it down on the counter. Then she rummages in the first aid kit getting out tweezers and a bandaid. She comes up to me and dips the towel in water cleaning the blood up a bit around my face.

"This might sting." She says as she picks out pieces of glass stuck in my cut. I wince a few times but it isn't that bad.

She finally cleans up my cut with alcohol spray and puts the bandaid on my cut.

"There. You should be good to go it doesn't look like you need stitches. But you'll have a nasty bruise on your cheek and lip there it's kind of cut open. I'm so sorry for his behaviour he isn't usually like this."

"Hey.." I say as I rest my hands on her thighs.

I notice she looks different she's wearing jeans now and a nice cotton sweater with her hair up. I almost like how she looks now even more than when she dresses up.

"It isn't your fault, don't ever apologize for another's mans mistakes." I say to her

I lean up and kiss her forehead. "Don't worry about me angel I can take care of myself."

Oh, Angel. (1)Where stories live. Discover now