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"I'm so happy you decided to stay for the week." Odell whispered in my ear while he laid on top of me. He gripped my thigh then kissed my lips. I smiled through our kiss then pulled away slowly. "You had been asking for awhile and I honestly didn't want to go back home." he smirked then the both of us looked up once we heard a couple knocks on the door. "Wonder who that could be." he said while getting up from in between my legs. "They knocked so it can't be Jordan." he chuckled then went over to the front door. I looked from the couch.

He opened it and in came Ms. Heather. I smiled at her. "Boy why aren't you-? Oh, hello Ms. Alana." I got off the couch and waved. Odell walked over to me and pulled in to his chest. "Lana's staying here for the week mama." he informed her then kissed me on the cheek.

"Well that's good, but did you forget about your doctor's appointment that you now have to be at in," she looked down at her wrist and checked the time. "Twenty seven minutes." he sighed. "I forgot, give me like five minuets." he ran up the stairs. Ms. Heather chuckled then took a seat on the couch. I sat down next to her. "Hey babies!" she said to Tzar and Dre as they walked over to her. "Daddy still getting on both of your nerves?" the dogs barked a couple times causing us both to laugh.

"How are things with you Ms. Alana?" she asked. I sighed then shrugged. "Things could be better," I truthfully replied. I know staying here with Odell saw supposed to help with the whole situation at work, but I feel like I'm really here to babysit. I have to watch out for Odell and dispose of any pills I find in his house.

"How so?"

"That's a lot of explaining." I told her. "I just hope things will get better." she nodded. "I'm sure they will."

Then Odell came back down the stairs. "Alright I'm ready, I'll be home later baby." he pecked my cheek then him and Ms. Heather walked out. I waited until I knew they were completely gone before getting off the couch and looking around for more bottles.
"No daddy, I think you should go just in case." I had been talking to my dad on the phone for a little while. He had called me to see what I've been up to because we haven't talked in a week. "Really? I think it might just be a little work pain," he said. "I'm getting a little old and all that lifting probably isn't good for my body."

"Maybe, but I still think you should. I'll even come with you."

"Alright, I'll make a doctors' appointment then call you right back." he hung the phone up. I put it back in my pocket so I could focus on finding the rest of this medicine. I had found two more bottles in addition to the three I disposed of last night. I had two more left, but it was getting tough because he must've really hid this stuff good. I checked in all the places you would normally find medicine and even the most abnormal places for it to be. I just can't seem to find these last two bottles.

"Lana! Where you at babe?!" I heard Odell's voice call of from downstairs. I fixed his bed back to the way he left it then hurried down the steps.

"Right here." I replied while walking up to him for a hug. He grabbed me then pulled me close to him. The look on his face made me feel uncomfortable. He looked like he was pissed off or something like that. "You okay?" I asked. He sighed then shook his head. Odell walked in a different room leaving me and his mom alone in the foyer. "What's his problem?" I asked Ms. Heather.

She was looking in the same direction as to where Odell disappeared to. "The doctor cut him off, he was complaining the entire car ride home about how he needs those pills in order for him to function." I sighed. This is much worse than I thought.

"Well, it's just his shoulder..maybe I can get him an ice pack or something to fix it up-"

"Thank you Alana." said Ms. Heather while she cut me off from my sentence. I looked at her without any clue of what she was talking about. "Huh?" I asked. "The doctor pulled me to the side today and told me what you did..I assume you know about his previous history with drugs." I looked down at my feet and nodded. "Yea, Jarvis and I talked." she sighed. "I appreciate you for looking after my son, I'm so glad he met a girl like you." Ms. Heather pulled me into a hug which made me unbelievably happy on the inside.

She pulled back with a smile on her face. I smiled back at her. "I love Odell and I would hate for anything serious to happen to him. I refuse to let him hurt himself over this...especially because I've seen how terrifying drug addiction can be." she nodded. "Again, thank you."

"Lana! C'mere! I need help making dinner!" Odell shouted from the kitchen. Ms. Heather chuckled. "I have to get going, call me if you need me or suspect things are going to hell." I nodded.

"Okay, I will."
That was sweet😌 Should Mama Heather talk to her son about his problem? Or should she let Alana continue doing what she's doing?🤔

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