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The noise of a loud buzz woke me from my peaceful sleep. I opened my eyes and surprisingly saw that it was still dark outside. I turned my head and noticed Odell sleeping next to me. I smiled then turned my entire body around to face him. He groaned a little then his eyes gradually opened. He grabbed his phone off my nightstand then rolled his eyes. I sat up then turned the nightstand lamp on. "You good?" I asked. He nodded. "Yea, I usually go for a jog every Thursday morning," he explained. "It's just my alarm."

"At four in the morning?" he yawned then nodded. "Am I messing up your weekly routine?" he chuckled then shook his head. "Naw, I'd rather be in bed with you." I smiled then rested my head on his chest. "I had fun last night." I said.

He smiled then pecked my forehead. "I bet you did, told you I would take care of you." I giggled then nodded. And he most definitely was not lying. We didn't go all the way, but we might as well have. He just spent hours pleasing me..orally. I feel like an adult whenever I'm around him. A grown woman who can do whatever she wants with whoever she wants and who doesn't have to report back to her parents or older siblings. I felt fun and alive with Odell. I think it's because he treats me like an equal. Not a child.

"I'm not even tired anymore." he said. "Me neither, you hungry?" I asked. He smiled then nodded. "Okay, let me get myself together first then I'll go and make you breakfast." I got out of bed then walked in to my bathroom. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I walked out my room then in to my kitchen. I went through the fridge and gathered all the things I needed in order to make Odell an omelet. While cooking at the stove I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and some lips press against my neck. I giggled then faced him.

"Beautiful, smart, classy, and you can cook," he said while pulling me closer to him. "I know how to pick 'em."
"I know, I'm sorry, but work just kind of hit me by surprise." my dad sighed. "Alright, we understand, maybe sometime next week." telling everyone that I had to cancel for the night wasn't as hard as I thought. My dad didn't seem that upset, but I could tell my brothers were a little disappointed. "So, when are we going to meet him?" asked Mike.

"Soon, I mean it, just not tonight." I assured them. Sean sighed heavily then shrugged. Then we all heard the doorbell ring. Sean got out of his seat then stood up while the rest of us continued sitting down. "I'll get it." he walked to the front door and out of our sights. "What the hell?!" we heard him say. All of our attention then turned to a girl that just had basically burst in to the house. "Amber! What's your problem?" Sean yelled. I got a look at her, but she didn't glance at me yet. I knew exactly who she was. I grabbed the pillow behind me and covered my face up.

"You said we would go out yesterday, but you cancelled and my friend said she saw you leaving some girls house." aw shit. I immediately rushed out the room with the pillow still covering me up.

What the hell? She is not supposed to be here. I was standing in the hall and unseen by everyone, but I could hear everything perfectly. "I was leaving my little sister's house Amber, she just went..well, I don't know where she went, but she's here." I heard Sean argue. Then it got quiet. "I'm sorry Sean, I just really like you and..oh hi." she said in a shaky tone. I guess she realized that her crazy wasn't being shown to just Sean but to all of my family. Everyone that was in the room greeted her.

"I guess I should leave, Sean I'll text you later." and with that I heard a door close. I walked back in to the living room and tossed the pillow on the couch. "What? Who is she?" I asked Sean.  He chuckled. "My girl, we've been talking for a while, but we just started dating a couple days ago." I rolled my eyes. I know for a fact that she doesn't care about my brother. SHE WANTS MY MAN! Not only is she crazy as all hell, but she's also a liar and cheater. There is no way I'm letting this happen. He can't date someone like Amber, but still give me crap about someone who actually cares about me.

"Why are you with her? She's nuts!" he shrugged. "She's bad tho." he and my other brothers laughed. I even heard a chuckled come from my dad. "Well, I don't approve." I said then crossed my arms over my chest with a smirk on my face. "You don't approve?" Sean repeated. The tone of his voice told me he didn't take me serious.

"Yea, if you get to bring home girls like that then I don't have to show my boyfriend to anyone."

"Alana, if you don't let us meet this guy then we'll just find him ourselves." I rolled my eyes then turned to my dad. "Seriously! You're just going to sit here and let this happen! You could tell that this girl is completely crazy just from the three seconds that you met her, but I still have to give my boyfriend a pass to see me from all of you." my dad sighed. "I guess if Sean says she's okay then-"

"No! That's not fair and you know it!" I grabbed my bag then headed for the door. On my way out I saw Aunt Rita coming in. "Hi Aunt Rita." I said then rushed past her. She looked a little confused, but still she left me alone.

I hate being the youngest...girl.
I hate double standards😩 do you think this is a clear case of a double standard? 🤔

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