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I walked back to the party by myself and sat down on the couch away from everybody. I didn't know how to react to anything at this point. I'm not dumb. There's no way they couldn't have slept with each other. They had sex that's why the bracelet was at his house. I'm not really a naive person either and when my gut tells me something then it's usually right. I just don't get how he can be around his best friend knowing what he did to him. I don't even want to mention how wrong Tasha is. First she cheated on Jarvis with his best friend. And then has the nerve to look at me sideways whenever I'm around like I fucked her man.

"Lana!" I turned my head to see Jarvis talking to me. "C'mon girl have a drink." I wasn't going to tell Jarvis anything. I know he would be hurt and I don't have the heart to break his heart right before he proposes to the bitch. I smiled then took the glass.

I immediately downed the drink without a second thought. I needed this right now. Didn't matter to me how old I was at the moment. I needed something to take my mind off his lying ass. "Bruhcuz, you tryna get turnt?" Jordan asked as he came back from the kitchen with some shot glasses and tequila. I chuckled then nodded.

He poured tequila for all of us then we all held our shots up to toast. "To Jarvis and Tasha..wherever the hell she is." cheered Paula.

"Woah, what's going on in here?" we all turned our heads to see Odell walking back inside the living room. I rolled my eyes then downed my shot. "Um, Alana? What the hell are you doing?" he asked me. I sighed then rolled my eyes. "Another please." I handed my shot glass to Jordan. He shrugged then laughed. "Stop Jordan, she can't drink." Odell stepped in front of me trying to block me from the glass. "What's wrong Bruhcuz?" Jordan asked. "She's only twenty, man." I rolled my eyes. "Can you stop being a buzzkill?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Hey, I'm just trying to look out for you." he argued. "Well you don't need to, I can look out for myself." I grabbed the shot from Jordan and took it.

Odell stood there and looked at me like he was shocked. "Hey, we won't tell if you don't." said a happy Jarvis. I smiled.

"Hey baby, I'm back." I looked up and saw Tasha kiss Jarvis on the cheek. "Good, so now I can do this." he grabbed Tasha's hand then pulled her over to the center of the room. He grabbed her other hand and looked her deeply in the eyes. Then he pulled a box out of his pocket which caused Tasha to gasp. "Oh my-...Jarvis are you forreal right now?" she asked. He smiled then got down on one knee. "Baby, you know you mean the world to me. I love you with everything in my heart. You've made me the happiest person alive and for that I have to give you everything you've ever wanted. I know you've been thinking about settling down and starting a family a lot recently, but I always used the excuse of football and other things. But tonight I'm going to prove to you that you're more important than anything in this universe to me...will you marry me Tasha?" she vigorously nodded and smiled.

I smiled for them, but then I took another shot. I was so happy to see those two happy, but it pissed me off that she was getting a ring for hoeing around with his best friend. I just knew I had to keep my mouth shut because one day it'll come out. And the sad part is, I might not be around when it finally does.
"Get off me!" I yelled at Odell as he basically carried me to my doorstep. "Stop Alana! You're drunk!" I shook my head. "No I'm not!" Yes I am. I drank entirely too much tonight. Everything was spinning and I felt sick, but I was also angry once Odell and I got in the car. I pushed Odell away from me then put my key in the door. I opened it then stomped up the stairs.

"Alana! Alana! I know you hear me talking to you!" I spun around then looked at him. "What do you want?" I asked him.

"I want to know what the hell your problem is! You've been acting like I stole something from you since we got to the damn party." he yelled. "You did..you stole precious ass time that I'll never get back because I fucked around and wasted it on you." I walked in to my apartment and he followed in after me. "Oh really? That's how you feel?" I nodded. "Yea, that's exactly how I feel. You're nothing, but a liar." he squinted his eyes at me to see if I was actually being serious.

"How am I a liar? Like I've been the one lying to my family about my relationship all this time." I rolled my eyes. "I did that to protect our relationship, but now I'm pretty sure that I don't even want one with you anymore." he sighed loudly out of frustration. "Where the hell is all this coming from Alana?!?"

"None of your business, just know that I know what you did."

"What? What did I do?" I shook my head. "Alana, if your drunk ass doesn't talk to me right now I swear..." I still kept quiet. "You know what, fine. Talk to me when you ready to have a grown conversation and stop acting like a damn kid." he was about to walk out which made me angry. "Maybe you could call Tasha and have another 'grown conversation' with her." he turned around.

"What did you just say?"

"I saw you! I saw you give her the bracelet that you swore up and down belonged to me! You could've just told me and maybe we could have talked it out, but because we didn't I have nothing else to say to you." I walked over to him and began pushing him out the door. "Alana, wait. Talk to me." I shook my head. "Let me explain. It's not what you think."

"Then what is it? It looks pretty clear to me that you're having an affair with your best friend's fiancée." he shook his head. "It's not an affair, it's nothing that you think-" I slammed the door in his face. Nothing he could say could make me want to actually listen to those bullshit ass excuses.
Do you think Odell might of been trying to tell Alan something? Y'all think they actually cheated?🤔😳

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