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Annoyance was written all over Odell's face as he slowly turned his attention to the voice. "Wassup." he said dryly. A tall brown skinned man was standing at the edge of our table with a smirk on his face and a girl on his arm. "Nothing much man, just in the neighborhood." the guy expressed. "Thought me and my girl Tiffany could use some grub and I'm guessing you had the same idea." he stopped speaking then looked at me. "Damn shawty," he bit his lip. "Anyone ever tell you that you might just be the most beautiful girl walking this planet?" I didn't speak. I was flattered, but this guy gave me a bad vibe. I just sat in my seat and squirmed around a little. "Thanks." I slipped out before uncomfortably looking up at him.

He smirked while the white girl linked to his arm glared at me with anger in her eyes. Her blonde hair rested on her large boobs that looked like they were planning on spilling out of her dress at any given moment. "She's alright." Tiffany spoke in a spiteful tone. I rolled my eyes then shook my head. Jealousy isn't flattering on anyone. "Yea, we plan on enjoying our meal in peace and that's a little difficult to do if you're around." Odell spat. The guy stepped back with a chuckle and his hands raised in defense.

"I didn't mean to impose on you and your lady friend's dinner, just wanted to stop by an say hello to a close friend."

"You and I have never been friends." Odell began to grow angry, and that was easy to see "Then I guess I'll just have to make some new friends." he replied slyly. He held his hand out to me, causing his girl to let go of his arm. "Josh Norman, number 24 on the Carolina Panthers, arguably the best cornerback in the league." he chuckled. I slowly reached and shook his hand. "Alana." I replied. He brought my hand to his mouth then pecked it. "Pleasure meeting you Alana, hopefully this won't be the last time I get to see that pretty face of yours." and with that, he walked off with his date.

I was stunned at how arrogant that guy was. Claiming to be the best in the league when I've never heard of him before. Odell heavily sighed. "I'm really sorry about him," apologized Odell. "I know he kinda ruined our dinner." I shook my head then put a smile on my face. I was enjoying tonight and some conceited football player wasn't going to ruin that. "He didn't ruin anything, I'm still having a great time." he looked up at me with a little smile. "Good, I just think you're insanely beautiful and last night kind of put me in a bad light so I was hoping tonight would change that." he confessed.

"And you're doing a good job." I giggled. He chuckled then let out a sigh of relief. "Good now, let's just start where we left off." I nodded. "How long you been working in the diner?" he asked. "Almost a year." I replied. "You like it there?" I sighed then let out a little chuckle. "No, not really." I hated working at the diner. Especially because Jacob would always call me in whenever he knew I had something to do. I'm surprised I haven't got the call yet. "So then why you work there?"

"Pays good and if I want to continue living in my own place than I really don't have a choice." I confessed. It was true. I wanted nothing more than to quit my job, but if I did then I would be back at home with my dad. "Okay, but what do you really like doing?"

As I was beginning to speak, two plates were placed in front of both Odell and I. The food smelled great. I was ready to dive in to the plate but that also could have came from me not eating anything today due to nervousness about tonight. The same waiter saw that Odell's champagne glass was near empty so he refilled it. They walked away and left us alone yet again.
The both of us began laughing after Odell finished his story. "You're lying." I joked. He shook his head then took another sip of champagne. "Alana, I wish I was but he really has to run around the school naked for his clothes." Odell has just finished telling me about an old high school prank his friends pulled. "Jarvis wouldn't talk to me for a week." he confessed. "I wouldn't either." he laughed. "It was a harmless little joke though."

"No, that was pretty brutal." I giggled. He nodded. "I guess you're right." Odell looked down at his watch. "Damn, 10:30 already?" he questioned. I was just as surprised as he was. I had an amazing time tonight. The time must have literally flew by us. Odell had already payed the bill. We just decided to sit and chat for a little, but that was an hour ago. We slid out the booth. I grabbed Odell's arm and was led out the restaurant by him. I let go of his arm and he immediately interlocked our hands. He walked me over to my car.

I opened the door and Odell stood closely behind me. I turned around to face him. "Thank you for tonight, I had a lot of fun." he nodded. "No problem." he licked his lips then snaked his arms around my waist pulling me closer in to his chest. I chuckled with discomfort in my voice. Odell was a little tipsy from all the champagne, but that wasn't going to excuse his grabbing. I slowly pushed his arms down, but he brought them back up. This time tighter.

"You look so beautiful." he whispered in my ear. I giggled uncomfortably. "Thanks, I think I should get going." he nodded then stumbled back. "Okay, maybe we could see each other again." he suggested. I nodded then hurried in to my car. I sat there and watched as Odell got in to the back seat of a Range Rover. It pulled off causing me to immediately sigh. Tonight was perfect, but I think that little scene might have just ruined it.

I was just happy he didn't get in the driver's seat.
Thought this chapter was kind of short. Just wanted to say that I honestly have no hate issues against Josh Norman. I just know him and Odell have their little beef so I thought he would be the perfect person to carry this role.

And thoughts on the ending? 🤔

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