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"Rise and shine sleepy head." my eyes fluttered open as Crystal's voice entered my ears. I looked up and around to see Jonah leaning on my dresser just smirking at me. "How did you get in my apartment?" I asked half awake. "That's for us to know and for you to never find out." I sat up then yawned. "What time is it?"

"11:30." replied Jonah.

"Damn, I slept that late?" they both nodded. "Jonah and I were going to scold you, but then we realized that Odell probably spent half the night long stroking it so we decided to give you a break." Crystal and Jonah began to laughed while I rolled my eyes. "No, but really how was it?" she asked. "Dinner was great." I confessed. "Not dinner girl...the sex?" I sighed then shook my head. "There was no sex Crystal." her jaw gapped opened. "You mean you didn't let him hit?"

"She said there was no sex Crystal." Jonah replied in my defense. "Not everyone lets niggas hit on the first night like a certain someone in this room." Jonah was throwing shade and I loved it. I giggled then pulled the sheet down and away from my chest. "Um, I don't let nigga hit on the first night." Crystal corrected. "At least not ordinary niggas, if he got money than maybe, but if he's a professional sports player than hell yea he can expect some of this love." she playfully flipped her hair then smirked. "Whatever." Jonah sat down on the bed across from Crystal. "But give details Lana." I nodded then rested the pillow on my lap. "Okay, everything started off so nice and he was really sweet and everything." I smiled at the memory. "Not to mention how beautiful the restaurant was." I sighed then giggled at the thought of Odell's smile. It was charming and handsome. "So everything was perfect?" Crystal questioned. "Well no not really."

"There was another football player there and I guess him and Odell had beef because they did not like each other at all." I explained. "And then when it was time to go, Odell walked me out to my car and got a little too grabby with me." Crystal looked extremely taken back. "Oh hell no, he didn't try to hurt you, did he?" I vigorously shook my head. "No, he was just drinking all night so he was a little tipsy, and he just held me a little so it wasn't anything too serious." Jonah nodded. "Good, because I would have called him up and told him off." he expressed. "But not to his face because he might beat me up." I laughed at him then grabbed my phone from off my night stand.

I looked at it and noticed I had a missed call and voice message from an unknown number. That had to be him. "Guys, be quiet I think he tried to call me." I said in a panicked tone. "Um Lana, we weren't even talking." Crystal replied. Fucking smart ass. "Shut up please." I rolled my eyes then put the voice message on speaker.

"Hey Alana, it's Odell. I was just calling to tell you that I had a really great time last night. Not only are you beautiful, but you're fun to be around *chuckle*. I was wondering if you could give me a call back and maybe we could discuss us meeting up again soon. I'd love to see you. Have a nice day beautiful."

I smiled then looked up at Crystal and Jonah. They both looked surprised but happy. "So, are you going to call back." Jonah asked. I shrugged while blushing. It pleased me to know that he wanted to meet up again. I guess I did something right last night. "I don't know, should I?" I questioned. "Uh, hell to the yes." she snatched my phone from my hands then went to my calls and pushed down on his number. She tossed the phone back to me as it rang.

I held it close to my ear then waited for an answer. "Hello?" the voice said. But it wasn't Odell's voice. It was a woman's. I put the phone on speaker as she repeated her hello's expecting an answer. Jonah and Crystal looked at the phone in disgust. "Speak." Jonah mouthed. I nodded then opened my voice. "Hello?" I said. "Is Odell there?" I asked. "Yes, he's in the bathroom right now, but what can I do for you?" the voice asked. "I w-was just calling Odell back, he left me a message earlier today." I heard a chuckle. "Oh, so you're the girl who's got my son going crazy over here." I blushed. Son? I'm talking to his mom? And Odell told his mom about me already?

"Alana? Right?" she questioned.

"Yes ma'am," I giggled. "My son tells me you're a very pretty young lady." she said making me blush. "He also expressed to me that—" she was cut off by the mumbling in the background. "Hello?" a deep and familiar voice spoke in to the phone. "Hi, it's Alana." I said with a giggle. "Oh, hey! Alana, how are you?" he asked. "I'm great, you called me this morning."

"Yea, I was wondering if we could go out." he suggested. "Like now." I didn't know how to answer. He wanted to go out right now and I was still in bed. I didn't even brush my teeth yet. "Um, I-I don't know I have work later today-" I complained. "What time?" he asked. "Um 6:00."

"I can get you there on time, I just really want to see you." I pushed some hair behind my ear. "Fine."

"Cool, text me your address and I'll be there in a little." and with that the phone clicked off. I jumped out of the bed and ran over to the bathroom leaving Jonah and Crystal to sit on the bed by themselves. I turned on the shower then paced back and forth while trying to plan an outfit in my head. Then there was a knock on the door. "Alana, sweetie, Jonah's going to text Odell for you and I'm going to pick you an outfit out." I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much guys."
Alana has really nice friends.😌 decided I'd post because of today...Happy Mother's Day.

First Sight [Odell Beckham Jr. Love Story]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum