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"Stop it." I giggled as Odell messed around in my hair. Odell had took me home, but I wasn't ready to to leave him and neither was he. So he's spending the night. We were in my bed. I was laying down next to him with my head on his chest. He was under me with his arms out to the side. All he was doing was messing around in my hair. I sat up and looked at him. He had a smile on his face. I didn't speak, I just stared at him so that he'd get the message. He shrugged then continued to mess with my hair. I sighed then swung my leg on the other side of his body. I was sitting on top of him with my hands on his chest.

He bit his lip then sat up. He pulled me close to him then began kissing me. With every kiss he brought me closer to him. Actually he brought me closer to his..ya know.🍆(no chill Alana😂). I don't think he was hard, but I could still feel him poking through his shorts. I began to blush through our kiss then I pulled away and look down. "What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head. "Nothing, I just..nothing." he lifted me up, smirked then pushed my hair behind my ear. "You just what?" I shook my head and rested on his chest. He laid back down then wrapped his arms around me.

He began to peck my forehead then rub on my arm. "You think your brothers would kill me if they knew we were here together?" asked Odell. I giggled then nodded. "Yea, murder you then force me in to a convent." he chuckled. "When you plan on telling them about me? I know we just started going out, but I hate secrets. And I feel like you're keeping me a secret from your family." I shook my head then looked up at him. "I don't want to keep you a secret, I just really don't want them to ruin this for me."

"How would they ruin this?"

"They have their ways, trust me. I care about you and I'm scared that if they meet you, you won't want to deal with me anymore." I confessed to him. I honestly don't put anything past my brothers at this point. I never had the choice to be with someone that I liked because of them. I wasn't planning on losing Odell because of them. "You don't have to worry about that Lana, I'm a grown man and you're a grown woman so if you and I want to be together then nothing is stopping us. The only way they could come in between us is if you let them..so don't." he kissed my forehead then rested his head all the way down on the pillow.

"C'mon, I'm tired." and with that, Odell and I fell asleep.
"No! It's not even like that." I tried to explain to Aaron. He had came in like five minutes after Odell left. It was really close. I don't know if he would freak out more knowing that Odell was around here or if he knew he was my boyfriend. "So how was it Alana? I told you that I'd only talk to the rest of the guys if you made sure this guy was legit enough to be around you."

"And he is! Sean's just being an ass about this whole situation." I argued. "But was this guy really talking disrespectful to you?" he asked. I shook my head. "No Aaron, Sean was just overreacting." he sighed. "I don't know what you want me to do now Alana."

"Can you please just try and talk to them still?" he shrugged. "Honestly I don't think it'll work, I'll try, but don't get your hopes up." I hugged him. "Thank you so much." he hugged me back and sighed. "I want to meet him." I looked up at him quickly. "What?" I asked. "You heard me, all of us need to meet at dinner or something. That's the only way I'll be able to convince them to chill out." I sighed. "Maybe, possibly."

"No maybes' or possibles' Lana, we need to meet whoever this guy is." I pushed my hair behind my ear and looked down. "I have to check with him, his schedule is crazy." it may have sounded like an excuse, but it wasn't obviously. Odell probably had a bunch of stuff to do. He probably wouldn't even have much time for me so this whole getting to know my brothers thing probably wouldn't even take place. "You tell him to clear it, and if he really cares about you then he'll be there." Aaron let go of me then left my apartment.

I guess I should probably start explaining this to Odell as soon as possible.
Yea..ya think?😂 Do you think Odell should be worried about meeting Lana's fam? Shit...I would be😅

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