Chapter 17- Using

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I feel Vince groan underneath my feet and I sit up placing the pizza box on the sofa.
"About time you woke up" I comment, as he sits up and glares at me.

"You see, pineapple is a violation on pizza you truly are a monster" I comment looking at the pizza box which contains the scrapings off cooked pineapple. Nasty.

"You didn't have to hit me over the head" he mumbles gripping his head. I roll my eyes. "And you didn't have to shoot me" I retort.

He sighs and rubs his head.
"I didn't mean to" he mumbles.
"Whatever" I say back standing up. I take my gun out if my waistband and point it at his head.

"You know what I want to know" I say pressing the gun to his head.
"Cartel" he smirks.

"I've been working for him since I was 13" he starts I pull him by his ear and fling him on the sofa. "He left you because you and your mum were a distraction, he sent me to keep an eye on you and to train you" he says, I can feel the pain in my expression.

Didn't he love us?

"Then why did you shoot me" I ask, frowning,
"Orders" he says simply.
"I never stopped loving you Iz" he says truthfully, I kiss my teeth. "The only thing that is keeping you alive is the fact I need my mum back, otherwise I would have made you swallow a grenade by now" I say, anger filling my veins.

Hurt passes through his face, but I don't care.

"Why did he want me shot?" I ask dropping the gun to my side.
"I honestly don't know, but when I asked him he gave me this" he says then stands up I point the gun at him but he puts his arms up saying he's not going to do anything. He turns around slowly and takes off his shirt.

I gasp at the sight of whip marks on his back.
"What the fuck?" I whisper he puts his shirt back on and turns around.

What type of kinky shit. .

"I wasn't going to r-rape you, I swear, im many, many things, but I'm not a rapist, he just said i had to scare you, make you afraid I'm not sure why...." he says slowly

".....He's a madman" he finishes . I look at him shocked.

"I started working for him because I owed him, my life" he says. I put my gun in my waistband.

"This is more fucked than I thought" I mumble to myself.
First I find out Sebastian was spying on me. Then I find out my dad runs a mafia with my ex boyfriend.

I sit down on the coffee table and out my hand in my hands.

"What does he want with my mum" I say looking up at him. He shrugs, "The blood on my hands was her's, another person in my crew shot her, I was just stopping the bleeding" he tells me
"Ever since you started working for Sebastian he hasn't told me anything" he says shoving his hands in his pockets.

"How did you know I started working for Sebastian?" I ask,
"He's using you as bait, to get to your dad"

"Using you"
"Where is my dad"


Vince gave me his car, well I took it, after I knocked him out and tied him to his fridge. I'm going to have a nice chat with Sebastian.


I pull up in the safe houses drive way and get out slamming the door shut. I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. Calmly.

I hear footsteps and Miles opens the door, as soon as he spots me his eyes go wide. I clench my fists as I feel my finger nails dig into my skin.

"Is Sebastian here" I say through my teeth.
"Is. Sebastian. Here." I repeat cutting him off, he opens his mouth to say something but then closes it again.

"Miles I don't want to hurt you" I say taking a step closer to him. His eyes go wider.
"Isabelle don't" a voice comes from behind him, Miles exhales in relief and speeds away.
"You used me" I state looking at Sebastian.
"And spied on me" I add
"Then used me as bait" I growl, his face goes soft.
"Izzy it wasn't like that-"
"Don't call me that!" I shout stepping into the house and closer to him.

"You used me to get to my dad! You knew how I was struggling and you used it against me!" I yell at him.

"Are you happy now? He has my mum! He wants me dead, but I guess you don't care, because all you do is use people!" I scream at him pointing at myself.

"Isabelle I didn't want to-"
"' everyone has a choice' is what you said to me!" I cut him off.

"I'm so stupid! Vince said I fall for anyone who looks at me twice! For once he was right! How could I make the same mistake twice?" I rant.

"Mistake?" Sebastian questions hurt in his expression.
"Oh grow up! You don't give two shits about anyone who isn't yourself! You should have just done me the honor and left me to bleed to death!" Suddenly he slams me into the wall behind me he presses his body over mine and clamps his hand around my mouth.

"Just shut up!!" He screams in my ear, I flinch then I release he opened a few of my stitches as I feel a stinging pain come from my stomach.

I use all my force to push him off me, I look down at his shirt and see a red blood stain, I then look at my shirt and see a blood stain growing.

"Fuck" I groan gripping my stomach, I start to walk towards the door when I loose my balance. Sebastian catches me and picks me up.

"Let me go!"I say hitting his chest,he looks down at me pain in his expression, "I'm sorry" he mumbles then starts to walk down the corridor with me in his arms, screaming at him to let me go.

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