Chapter 2 - Shit

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"The heart was made to be broken"

- Oscar Wilde


"Put me down!!" I shout hitting his back which sadly doesn't affect him in the slightest.
"Where are we going?!" I ask frantically searching for street signs, landmarks or anything that looks familiar.

"Tell me or I'm giving you a wedgie!!!" I threaten seeing his white Calvin klein boxers peaking of his jeans waistband, he puts me down abruptly.
"Wedgie? What are you 8?" He asks his green eyes sending shivers down my spine.

Must of scared him if he put me down. Wimp.

"No, 17" I mumble looking at my feet,
"Name?" He asks again using one of fingers to left up my chin.
"Isabelle" I sigh, he's going to kill me anyway.
"Where do you live Isabelle?" He says.


"Up my bum and around the corner" I grin, he some what growls, 

what is he a werewolf? 

He suddenly pushes me into the alley way wall and presses his body onto mine winding me. I gasp for breath as his lips graze my neck.

Nope he's a vampire

"You will respect me" he growls huskily into my ear, I roll my eyes luckily he can't see me. "I don't respect mortals" I retort putting my hands on his chest ready to push him off.

Holy Christmas this man is built.

His hand glides up my shirt his hand stopping at my stomach, "I'll be careful what you say to me or I'll fuck you right now, in this alley" he taunts in my ear. I suck in a breath and manage to gather the strength to push him off me.

"I'm going to pass on the romantic offer thanks" I breath dusting invisible dirt off my hands. "You lost me a good fight" I say pointing in the direction of the fight,
"So you owe me one grand" I add slightly annoyed

Even if I'm going to die I might as well give my mum money to look after her self for a while.

"I don't owe you anything" he states staring at me somewhat amused.
"Fine, I'm going back to the fight" I say pushing myself off the wall, I start to walk away from him, but I feel a strong arm wrapped around my waist.

"For fuck sake" I whisper frustrated,
"You could have got yourself killed just then" he teased, I turn around to face him. "Yeah so?" I snap, he way more comfortable with me, then I am with him, legends say, he kills the people who see his face.

Oooooo scary right? -_-

"Look man I don't know you okay? Your dangerous and I don't want to die, so I'm going to go now" I say trying to unpeel is arm from around me.

"Your not going anywhere" he states looking at me with curious eyes.
"Yes I am!" I shout completely frustrated, no one tells me what to do.
"I'll call the police-" I start but cut off by him slamming me into the wall again making me groan.
"Ouch" I mumble rubbing the back of my head.
"With what phone?" He taunts leaning closer to me, "the phone in my pocket" I mumble knowing I didn't have a phone on me, we couldn't afford one,  it's not like I have anyone to call anyway.

"Mhm, go on then call them" he teases probably guessing i don't have a phone on me from my sudden lack in confidence.
"Okay fine u don't have one, doesn't give you the reason to get in my personal space!" I say shoving him off again.

"I can do what I want this is my territory" he says calmly,  I snort and smirk at him
"I don't see your name anywhere" I say folding my arms.
"I told you to respect me-" he starts to order but I cut him off once something catches the corner of my eye, something fluffy and small.

"Look it's a rat!!"I shout pointing he turns his head to look at what I'm pointing at,
"idiot" I say dashing off in the opposite direction. I'm a really fast runner with freakishly long legs.

I jump up onto a dumpster a fly over a wooden fence dashing through some random persons garden.

I stop breathing heavily and turn around I smile in happiness to see he didn't follow me, I climb over the fence a make my way to the main road.

Was at the main road I automatically remembered where I was, realisation hit me, I just sassed one if the world's most dangerous men, and lived

I rub my face with my hands and start to walk back to my apartment.


I curse as I get into the reception area
I'm late on  the rent
"Isabelle?" I hear my nickname being called from across the reception area. I sigh inwardly. The landlord.
"Months rent" he says ironically walking towards Mr with his stumpy hand out, he might of been best friends with my dad but that doesn't mean he likes me.

"I need a few more days" I say looking anywhere but the giant pipple consuming his face,
"Next week at the latest" he warns looking at me seriously,  he drops his sweaty hand from in front of me to his side.

"Sure thing" I agree.

"You have guests by the way" he says walking away from me.

Guests? Wtf? I don't know anyone. Humans are annoying.

I walk up the stairs quickly racing to the top I stop abruptly when I reach the floor Bill is usually at, all I find is his sleeping bag and old newspapers and containers.
I didn't even know the man could move!!!!

I panic slightly this is a bad sign, once when I over cooked the dinner I 'accidentally' set fire to the kitchen causing half the building to be evaluated, he didn't move an inch! He just sat there humming to himself peacefully as the fireman rushed pass him.

"Fuck fuck fuck" I curse racing up the rest of stairs. I stop at my door fumbling for my keys in my pocket, shoving it into the lock I fling the door open grabbing the baseball bat next to the door.

"Mum?" I whisper yell.
She didn't bolt the door? I look puzzled at the door, she always does when I leave late.
"In here sweetie" I hear my mum call from the kitchen.  I relax for a second but then tense again.

1. She's never in the kitchen unless I'm there.

2. She never says 'Sweetie' I dislike it and she knows that.

"Coming mum" I call closing the door behind me, I raise the bat in the air ready to swing if I need to.

I walk slowly through the living room, suddenly I hear a dark growl come from behind me I suck in a deep breath and stare blankly at the wall in front of me.

Where have I heard that before?
I turn around slowly to see a rock with legs standing inches alway from me.

"Hey beastie" I grin completely and utterly scared I take a step back gripping on to the wooden bat tighter. He glares at me with a hard expression clenching his fists.

Here goes nothing

"Aaahhh!!!!" I shout my warrior cry swinging the bat across his solid head, wooden pieces fly everywhere causing my to shield my face with my arm.
I stare in shock at the beast as he growls at me. "Well shit" I mumble backing up a lot faster, I drop the remaining bat and sprint into the kitchen slamming the door behind me.

I turn around quickly searching for my mum my glaze turns towards the kitchen table to see bright green eyes staring back at me intensely.

My Deal With The Devilजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें