Chapter 7

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The house was more silent than a cemetery and hotter than a volcano. "Ahem, Adrianna turn the A/C on, por favor." Zara uncomfortably asked not noticing it was on until seconds later. "I mean, turn it up. Like, all the way up to the heavens!" Cristiano, along with Railee, didn't hesitate to agree with no filter Zara. Irina didn't feel anything since she was the one causing all the heat in the house.

"Hey, it's uh—it's getting pretty late. You two should go home and you know, do your thang." Adrianna literally pushed the unhealthy couple towards the door, hoping they could settle this in a place Adrianna wasn't at. Railee opened the door for them while Zara went and fetched their keys for them. "So, Cristiano don't come back because, as you can see, Irina stalks you around the world." Adrianna gave one more shove to put them out of her house so she and her friends could feel less awkward.

Cristiano unexpectedly turned around and came back in. "Adrianna, I forgot my shirt." The three women attempted to prevent him coming into the house again. It didn't work.... "Anna and friends, let me get my shirt!" Meanwhile, Irina was inspecting everything and pointing out what she thought was ugly, which was basically everything. The Russian still had a limb on Ronaldo as if removing it would mean she'd lose him forever.

"Stay right here and I'll go look for your shirt!" Adrianna had to choose her words wisely, if she had said get instead of look, it would mean she already knew where his shirt was. Of course only Irina and the Ronaldo obsessed, would notice a one word difference from the woman they though they had competition with. It didn't take long for Anna to snatch his one hundred percent cotton, white Polo Ralph Lauren v-neck off her bed. "Look, I found it! Now get the hell out, please."

She shut the door and turned to face two pairs of suspicious eyes. "Did you sleep with him?" Zara unhesitatingly question with her arms crossed against her chest. "How long was it?!" Her eyes widened as she imagined the appearance of Cristiano Ronaldo's penis. "I know you've seen it so tell me!" At this point Zara was basically trying the shake the life out of Adrianna.

"We've seen each other naked plenty of times, but we swore not to reveal any details." Adrianna quickly walked away from Zara to get her phone and order Chinese food. "But I can tell you that I didn't have sex with him and, the house is cooler now that Irina Shayk's gone." While she was ordering Chinese food, her friends observed what she was wearing and became even more suspicious of the footballer.

"Yeah, Irina really likes to SHAYK things up!" Railee forced the pun out harder than a person with diarrhea would. When nobody laughed she threatened to set the house on fire, and they know Railee can be a serious bastard when she doesn't get what she expected. "Just like how Cristianna loves to make the bed shake." Railee continued with the horrible jokes, except she took a different route with that one.

Adrianna quickly moved her iPhone away from her ear to add to Railee's joke. "And the shower." She put the phone back up to her ear and watched as her friends go absolutely wild at her comment. Railee was jumping on Adrianna's sofa while Zara was repeatedly slamming doors as hard as she could. The man on the phone asked if everything was alright and if he needed to call the police. "Nah, it's just my friends being stupid, no biggy."

When she finally hung up, Zara's hands were back on Anna's shoulders. "You had sex in the shower?!" Anna denied the assumption and tried to escape her grasp, but Zara's hands are rough and tough to get out of; no wonder she's single. "Wait, so you two just casually took a shower together?!" Anna slowly nodded, she thought her friends already knew about their party showers after all, she said it in a YouTube video.

"It was fun! We ate snacks, splashed around, and watched funny football videos!" Both Zara and Railee's mouth's were disgustingly overflowing with saliva as their jaws hit the ground. "And yes, I saw him completely naked. No, I still won't tell you the details!" Zara's hands had gone limp at the news Adrianna was telling them, 'Who takes showers with someone?' Zara unsuccessfully wrapped her mind around it— which means her head is filled with more nasty thought than usual.

"And you're wearing his jersey over..." Railee lifted her Ronaldo's jersey, revealing Adrianna swimsuit. "a sexy swimsuit! Adri, you know you scream sex to Ronaldo 24/7, why must you torture him like this?" Railee ran into Anna's room to get different clothes for her to wear. "You tease him all the time— oh wait he's with Irina so who gives a fuck? It's his fault for choosing Irina plus twenty other women over you!"

After twenty minutes the Chinese food had arrived, Adrianna gave the delivery man a tip and three autographs all on napkins. When she shut the door Railee and Zara were clawing at the bags she held. "I got juice too since you're all super thirsty from witnessing Cristiano's washboard abs and sexy nipples." Adrianna teased, she's lucky to have Railee and Zara actually like her; most girls would either be jealous of her or hate her guts because of how much time she got to spend with the footballer

"Zara, stop being a goat and eating all the food!" Railee whined from the kitchen with a glass cup in her hand. "If you don't move I'm going to break this on your head!" Zara moved out of the way as fast as she could before looking back at Adrianna after remembering what Irina had asked.

"You're not making Cristiano cheat on Irina with you, right?" Her question made Railee stop filling her plate temporarily and look up with a noodle in her mouth. "I know you two are meant for each other, but you can't force it." Zara said pouring herself a glass of wine that she had bought, even though Adrianna specifically asked them not have alcoholic beverages in her house.

Anna strolled into the kitchen and grabbed a plate. "I don't love Cristiano in a girlfriend or wife type of way, and until he changes I never will."

She'll never love him— blah blah blah blah blah

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