Chapter 11

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"Shut the fuck up Daniella!"

"Make me."

"Oh-ho, bitch I will!!"

Cristiano quickly wrapped his arms around Adrianna and tugged her away from Daniella, the blonde that literally thought she was going to have five kids with the Cristiano Ronaldo. After all, he's the reason she started playing football, if it weren't for his looks Daniella wouldn't even be involved with Reina de Madrid let alone the sport itself. Daniella was a well-known CR7 addict, it's so bad that just standing next to him causes her to hyperventilate for a reason she calls, CR Overload.

"Ronnie, why won't you pull me back instead?" Daniella cocked her head to side as she placed her hands on his toned chest.

"Because you're not dangerous compared to Anna." Cristiano simply retorted while pivoting so his back, along with Adrianna's, was facing towards Daniella. Cris hated it when she touched him and it made both him and Adrianna feel very uncomfortable, but he knew he couldn't avoid it since he's a popular celebrity. "Anna, calm the hell down." He force himself to whisper into her ear despite the nails beginning to dig into his skin.

When Adrianna finally relaxed, Ronaldo's arms loosened around her but he didn't let go. He left one arm around her before Coach Rivera ordered the entire team to take three laps around the field and then stretch. Biatch— I mean Bianchi, followed Cris the entire time and occasionally attempted to ignite a conversation between them. "Hey Cris, do you like my hair? I curled it this morning...just for you."

Adrianna tripped on herself because of how much Daniella made her cringe, this time Cristiano wasn't ready to help her up. He was too occupied with the Italian and was starting to eye her figure like he doesn't have a girlfriend that could be in the stands watching him. Today's practice was open to the public, which meant that photographers along with reporters and bodyguards, were flooding the stands. Everyone wanted to get a piece of Ronaldo or some other teammate that had abs.

"So how's practice with Real?" Anna asked, finishing up her three laps at the same time as Cris, the two had left the third wheel behind long ago. "Is what's-his-face mad because of the many trainings we're having?" Cris nodded as he snaked his arms around Anna's neck while she did the same but around his waist. "Does Sergio Ramos want to kill you?" He nodded again, this time he made a whining sound after like a toddler that didn't get what he wanted.

"What about you, mi amor?"

LaMarte laughed at her unfortunate situation with Atlético Madrid and the decision her coach decided to make. "I'm not allowed to play until the last ten minutes of our next match against Rayo Vallecano; the chicks with rainbows across their chests." She pouted, Adrianna loved rainbows with an intense yet odd passion, and was jealous that Rayo had them on their away jersey's.

The time for socializing was soon over, it was time for intense conditioning due to not one, but both of the coaches were extremely pissed off because of their last game. They won, but their win wasn't enough to actually please the coaches. "You sons of bitches won 2-1 against Twente C.F., that's mediocre!" Coach Rivera shouted, he wanted the game to be 10-0, and Maria wanted it to be 8-0, they both know that the match could only go so far.

"Today, you all will be running two miles before we begin the actual conditioning." Assistant Coach Maria threw her clipboard straight on the ground, and her pen at Isaac's fabulous hair. Maria continued to explain today's activities and how some WAGS were in the stands before shooing everyone off to take their eight laps. The defenders and center forwards finished last since they run the least in a football match.

On their last lap Adrianna felt compelled to tangle her fingers in Cristiano's after accidentally looking at his eyes. Their hands stayed together until Coach Rivera yelled at them for PDA, and when Daniella intentionally aimed a rock at Anna's head. Cristiano warned her not to chuck things at her however Bianchi seemed to push it to the side like it was a bad joke.

When the entire team was finished, it was officially time for them to take a trip to hell. "So you're gonna dribble while sprinting down the pitch, when you get to the end you're going to drop and give me twenty." Coach Rivera continued with the instructions while everyone else began to whisper at the horrifying sight of Danielle. She was trying extremely hard to get Cristiano's attention, so hard that she rolled her shorts up all the way up to her waist.

Danielle's butt was basically completely exposed and she had no shame. The guys were staring their eyes out even if they were married, the lesbians stopped paying attention, and Cristianna somehow managed to completely ignore the sight. "Oh Cris..." Bianchi cooed to finally get his attention; to her surprise he still wasn't interested. "D-Do you like what you see? It's nice and big, just like you like it." The blonde began to stutter as reality slowly began to sink in; her butt was fully visible to the fans and cameras.

CR7 raised an suspiciously eyebrow at his follower. "I like what I see, and the only thing I see is Adrianna." He looked back at the brunette knowing Danielle was jealously glaring at the back of her head. "I don't see or hear anything else except Anna's weird looking ass and her sorry attempts of covering up her thick islander accent." Cristiano nudged Adrianna right in the arm while she simultaneously kicked him in the butt and shushed him.

"Don't make fun of my accent," LaMarte mumbled taking some offense from his comment. "You know I was born on São Jorge, I could easily make fun of you too." Unfortunately, both Rivera and Maria made Cristiano and Adrianna run another mile for speaking during instructions. Cristianna made sure to flick Bianchi off before they ran off. "Make sure to fix your fucking shorts Dan-Dan." Anna teased.

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