Chapter 23

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The busy mob of footballers suddenly halted and turned toward the sound of the whistle coming from Coach Carlo. "All right," he sighed, "let's begin! My dear Féminas, you're cute, but I'm not looking for cute, I'm looking hardcore, badass athletes that can kick some ass! Not prissy little girls that screech around the pitch, occasionally take weak shot, and are absolutely weak without any aggressiveness." Carlo explained. "I'm going to mercilessly whip you into shape and transform you all into wo-men!"

Atlético silently stood next to Real as Carlo conversed with Celeste, asking how far he should go and when the difficulty would become too much and harmful for their bodies. He whipped back and faced the mixed assembly of footballers then delivered his strict instructions. "First," he began, "you're going to run three-and-a-half miles. After that I'll split you up into factions according to position so the training can actually commence."

Once Celeste clapped and shouted hustle, Adrianna knew a large portion of her Atlético teammates would either pass out, regurgitate their breakfast, have a mental breakdown, or straight up leave the Wanda Training Complex until the session ended. As soon as they started running Coach Celeste mentioned a time limit and caused three Féminas to simply walk out with their belongings. "Those three just used up your break passes— which means we're going full out!"

"Lord save me now..." Adrianna murmured to herself, but Cristiano caught on to it like a hawk spotting a mouse from miles above. "...if I die, make sure you bury me in a bed of white camellias and fruity snacks— and nonalcoholic piña coladas!"

"I don't think that's safe." Cristiano commented from her side.

"Safety doesn't matter! It's my funeral Cris!"

"You're right, it doesn't matter because you're not going to die!"

"You don't know that."

"I won't let you die before me."

"Aww, so adorable!" Real Madrid's captain teased with cheesy hand gestures as he ran. "I smell love in the air; maybe even hints of an engagement ring being bought or, is already bought but needs to be given!" Sergio Ramos is Real Madrid's main team captain and a center-back, he's also uncanny in more ways than one. "Let me take a picture!" —He shaped his hands into a square— "Say, 'Irina free!'"

"Shut up Ram-Ram." Anna shot back at the heavy-breathing defender. "You're just jealous—"

"Hmm, about what?"

"About, uh..." —She thought for a moment and eventually managed to brainstorm a reason— "...about Cristiano looking better with your girlfriend, Pilar Rubio. Who knows, she might have thing for him and we all know how Cristiano is." Sergio and Pilar have been happily together since 2012, which is another way of saying that he's more of a man than Cristiano Ronaldo.

"Pilar doesn't know Cris at all!"

"Uh, well, you don't know that!"

Sergio cocked his head to the side as he wondered if his girlfriend for two years was cheating on him with his teammate. It wasn't long before he dropped back, lost in his thought and mental arguments.

After sixteen minutes of consistent jogging Cristianna finished their three miles not as fatigue as the others. The first to finish were Real Madrid's midfielders, followed by their forwards including Cristianna, their defenders, and finally the Féminas in a giant blob at the back of the pack. "I'm low-key ashamed of my teammates right now." Adrianna admitted before taking a sip of water. "They're all... Average; and not just any average, the average average."

"You're only saying that because you think you're near my level." —Cristiano smirked and tickled under Anna's chin— "Adrianna you're still another eh."

"Shut up, I run just as fast as you!" —Adrianna smacked his hand away— "They're just not like what I'm used to in La Último, where the women actually push you."

Before Cristiano could reply Carlo blew the whistle again. "Join in!" He shouted. "Now that you're nice and warmed up you're going to start doing one-on-one's against Real Madrid— no you can't choose who you think is the cutest, Cristiano, to be your partner." Carlo made sure to mention and break plenty of girls' dreams. "Plus LaMarte's already got 'im mainly because she plays in La Último compared to most of you."

"Umm," a shy hand rose up in the crowd paired with a farouche voice, "what's La Ú-Último?"

Coach Carlo turned to Adrianna and she could sense Celeste's eyes locked in her. "Seventeen, step forward and explain!" Carlo demanded.

Anna didn't even get to step forward before Sergio Ramos, Luka Modrić, and Gareth Bale forcefully pulled her into the front with a wicked grin splattered across their faces. "Uh, La Último is uh—"

"Por que você está já a gagueira (Why are you stuttering already)?" Cristiano whispered in front of her, playfully mocking the way she said things. It's a standard in their relationship to make fun of each other frequently whether it's in private or publicly. "'La-La-La Último es....'" Cristiano dramatically mimicked, Marcelo twittering behind him.

"Ahem, ANYWAYS." Adrianna resumed her explanation. "La Último is a football l-EAGue— oh god." She threw her hands up at her rare voice crack and let all of the Madrid men chuckle and jump on her. None of the men would stop giggling at Anna, including Carlo Ancelotti. "It's umm," she miserably attempted to finish through her laughter, "a unisex league so men and women play together!"

Adrianna slowly returned to her spot alongside the gullible Cristiano and friends. "Very good, I guess." Carlos said. "It's a very difficult league however it's excellent exposure since people watch it to see, for example Ronaldo play but if you're going to watch him you have to know about his amazing partner-in-crime. Ya get what I'm saying?" The farouche girl nodded with understanding but to everyone else it seemed as if she was still confused. "That's why we're doing one-on-one; the women in that league are brutal and I need to get you like that." He pointed at Adrianna.

"But how difficult is it on a scale from one to ten?" Another questioned.

"I don't know, lets find out!" He pivoted toward Coach Celeste with a clipboard containing the match ups.

After flipping a few papers over, Coach Celeste finally found the right page and yelled out the first pair without hesitation but with excessive excitement. "Anika! Bale! You're up!" She hollered and passed a ball to Anika. "Next up we have Ronaldo versus LaMarte and please, don't take each other's clothes off this time. I only want to see Ronaldo naked and maybe LaMarte but no one else!"

As Anika and Gareth prepared for their one-on-one, Real Madrid was cheering him on telling Gareth to take it easy against Anika while Atlético wished her luck as if her life was in danger. Meanwhile, Adrianna stood watching the worry-filled chaos with her partner-in-crime's arms peacefully around her. "Don't let me win Cris." Adrianna warned, she despises men that don't try against her just because she doesn't have penis like them. "I'll never talk to you again if you do."

"Why would I do that? You're grown up and can handle yourself better than I can." Cris ran a hand through her smooth ponytail. "And when it comes to you," he murmured in Anna's ear, "letting you win is impossible."

"Then it's settled." Adrianna held her hand out for a handshake. "May the best player win."
The beginning is good but then towards the end it gets crappy.
Because that's the part I typed while I was half asleep.

I'm so tired! 😴

Also, I said that if this part didn't come out on Wednesday that you could comment how much you hate me, and it came out on Thursday around 1:20 am so comment away!!

Yes I'm editing this.

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