Chapter 17

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"I'm rooting for Cristianna to be an actual couple." Railee gnawed on a lollipop while she watched TV with her legs spread out on the sofa. "You guys need to kiss each other, on the lips!" She threw the lollipop stick at Adrianna then grabbed another one from a bag. Railee and Zara were back at her house, and were still pressuring Adrianna to make the first move in her relationship with Cristiano. "Don't you guys hold hands already and kiss each other on the cheeks?"

"You're basically a couple already!" Zara added as she walked in from taking a dip in Anna's infinity pool.

"No, we are not. He's happy with Irina and I can't changed that or the sex addiction he has." Adrianna said strolling out of her bathroom, there's nothing that can conceal her compassion for Cristiano. If she was foolish like all the girls he had slept with, Anna would've been his main side chick. However she isn't, and she thinks of herself before others, including her best friend Cristiano.

"But don't you think that you two belong together?" Zara questioned as she grabbed a pizza from the fridge. Railee and Zara were always capturing Cristianna moments on their phones and posting it on Instagram. It's because of those posts that Adrianna had to clear things up between her and Cristiano multiple times. Often times, CR7 fans would blow up her Instagram feed with obscene comments because they didn't know who she was.

After a while as Cristiano and Adrianna began to hang out more, his fans accepted her and stopped calling her a slut and saying Cris deserves better. Instead of being crude towards Anna, they literally started begging her to date him. "If we belonged together then we would be together. Don't ya think, Zara?" CR7 fans, along with Adrianna's, would never stop photoshopping jerseys to make them say Ronaldo 17!

"Anna you are cruel." Railee snickered.

"Thanks, I know." Adrianna came back from Atlético training a few minutes ago, and she was greeted by her friends in the process of exploring her house. Railee and Zara had discovered many objects and had a lot of questions to ask Anna such as 'Why do you have so many Ronaldo jerseys?' or 'Why does your room have more than two pictures of you and Cris in it?' Adrianna honestly answered both of them while leaving the two even more skeptical.

"Come on Adri, you've gotta love him a little!" Zara nudged her friend on arm and showed her an image of Cristiano on her iPhone from Google. "Just absorb the sexiness like SpongeBob." She left swiped multiple times before Adrianna pushed the phone away from her. "I saw something in your eyes Anna, something lovely!" Zara continued to egg Adrianna to finally confess her fondness for Cristiano; later on Railee hopped on board with Zara too!

"OKAY FINE!!" Adrianna screeched after losing her tolerance for Zara and Railee, "And so what if I love him; what difference does it make?!" She didn't feel comfortable contemplating all the mistakes Ronaldo made that basically forced her not to be with him. "We'll never end up together and that's final, dudes." Adrianna quickly took her mind off the topic, but it kept on returning like an obnoxious fly.

Railee and Zara eyed each other for a second before facing Anna with their own words of advice. "We don't give a fuck about Irina Shayk, you need to get your man!!" Railee hollered in the footballer's face, there was no way that Railee and Zara were going to allow Adrianna to refuse the man she deserved.

"He's not my man..." Anna mumbled under her breath.

"WE DON'T CARE HOMIE! WE ARE GOING TO HELP YOU GET YOUR LOVE IN YOUR LIFE!!" Railee reached into Anna's pocket, yanked her phone out, and demanded her to dial Cristiano's number and ask him out on a date. Which was weird for a female to, however her friends weren't concerned with the stereotypical definition of manliness. Neither was Adrianna since her entire career is constantly battered by men thinking women shouldn't play sports, and should stay in the kitchen.

"H-Hellooooooo!?" Cristiano sounded as if he had to painfully force his greeting out.

"'Sup so," Adrianna dug right into the situation without hesitation or restriction. "I'm being pressured into asking you out on a date by you-know-whom, and—" She stopped when she caught a sexual moan through the phone, which could only insinuate one possibility. "What the fuck dude!! You're having sex with a chick right now!!!" There was a single word that could accurately describe LaMarte's reaction: flabbergasted. But simultaneously, she expected this.

"Hang up! Hang up!!" Railee and Zara urgently whispered but were soon hushed by Adrianna, who was going to get to the bottom of this. "Aww shit, Ronaldo messed it up balls deep this time!!" Zara threw her hands up onto her head with agony. All of their hard work gone to waste!

"Helloooo? Hola Adrianna, me llamo es Camila Castro! Nice to meet you!!" She sounded so happy while Adrianna bore a twisted expression on her face. "Come join us, we'll have a threesome!!"

"I. Don't. Want. To have. A. Fucking. THREESOME! Not with you, not with Cristiano or Zlatan or his hideous wife Helena, not with anybody!!" Adrianna completely lost it when she realized Camila nor Cristiano could hear her over their moans and groans. As much as she tried to, Anna couldn't hold back the solitary tear that trickled down her smooth cheek. "Never hit me up ever again Cristiano, not even at Reina training! I never want to see you again!"

She furiously hung up and threw her iPhone across the room and hoped it landed on the sofa. LaMarte's face shifted to a red hue as the tears bursted out and began to roll down her cheeks. There were no sounds from her mouth, but you could obviously tell that she had a wound of some sort. "I'm sorry..." Zara laid a hand on her shoulder and regretted forcing Anna to call Cris. "We should've never made you do that."

Both Zara and Railee were shocked at the impact he could leave on such a powerful person. "Nah, it's n-nothing." Adrianna stuttered.

"No it's not Anna! You're crying for God's sake!" Railee passed a bundle of tissues to her hurt best friend.

"I am?" LaMarte glided her fingers under her puffy eyes and felt the unexpected wetness. Her eyes were no longer white, but an irritated red with the occasionally sting when she blinked. That's when reality hit Adrianna hard and her mind was instantly flooded with sinister thoughts. "It's cool, I'll get my revenge." She signaled Railee to get the tissues out of her line of vision. "I always get my revenge."

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