Chapter 2

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Seth POV

"......Our song is the way he laughs The first date man, I didn't kiss him and I should have And when I got home, 'fore I said amen Asking God if He could play it again

Play it again, oh, yeah, oh, oh, yeah  I was riding shotgun with my hair undone In the front seat of his car I grabbed a pen and an old napkin And I wrote down our song"

I finished singing as all the guys laughed. What can I say; I love Taylor Swift songs. Grinning to myself I glanced out the window. Seeing clouds forming I groaned. Why did it have to rain today? It was going to be a perfect day but the rain just had to ruin it. I thought angrily to myself. 'I completely agree' My wolf said in my mind. He absolutely hates the rain but loves it at the same time. It depends on his mood.

Stepping out of the car I thought of an idea. 'Hey Raven?' I called through the telepathic bond that connected the pack, 'Can you make it sunny today? Pleeeaaase!!!!!!' She didn't respond but suddenly the sky started to clear up and the guys grinned at me. The pack meetings were always outside and nobody wanted to sit outside in the rain.

"Hey man. Good thinking, calling Raven." Drake said with a smile.

"Just doing my job alpha." I replied but I saw Drake roll his eyes at me when I called him alpha. Walking through the front door we were instantly mobbed by a sea of sluts and whores. I saw Damon make a quick getaway. He truly hated being sround lots of people. 'He must be spending too much time with Raven' My wolf said with a chuckle. 'You're probably right." I replied as the sea finally parted for us to get to homeroom.

We walked in to see our homeroom teacher and English teacher, Mr. Stener, writing on the board that we would get a free period today and as long as we didn't distrupt the other classes, we were free to do as we pleased. All the guys cheered but I looked around and noticed Damon was missing. 

"Hey guys, where's Damon?"

The guys all stopped and looked around. We were about to go look for him when Mr. Stener called us over. He brought us over to a corner of the room when he closed his eyes. When they opened they were a blazing purple; the exact shade of Raven's. We all froze as he spoke,

"Damon is with me. I had a vision and we had to go. it was urgent and I'm sorry but I can't tell you were we are. We will be home by 6." Raven's voice came out of the man's mouth. it was really freaky. We watched as he went back to his desk, blinked and was back to normal.

"Remind me to get back at Raven for that later." Luke muttered, obviousely feeling as disturbed as I felt.

"Where do you think they are?" I asked. I was really curious as to why they didn't just speak to us in our minds but that Raven had felt the need to possess someone and tell us through them.

"I have no idea and I doubt we will be able to get it out of either of them when they get back." Drake stated though it was obvious his curiosity was aroused just as much as mine was. we continued through the day and got home with nothing to do but wait.

Damon POV

"Why did I ever agree to this?" I muttered as i stood in a freezing cold blizzard on the top of some remote mountain. Raven had taken me here to tell me something but was now in a trance. She didn't tell me why we were here just that she needed me to come with her. I shivered again and took a deep breath through m nose and froze. Now I knew why Raven had brought me here - Warlocks! Great just great. i thought. Here we were on the top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere, Raven was in a trance, and I now had no fight 3 warlocks. I watched as they stepped out from the snowbank a few yards away. They grinned when they saw it was just me who was guarding her. Shifting into my giant black wolf, I crouched, ready to attack. They realized I wasn't just any wolf the instant I shifted. I was gifted as some wolves are with an extra gift - I could control water and as we were standing in the middle of a blizzard surrounded by snow, I had the advantage here. The first one charged at me, his fingers alight with a weird green fire. He was abround 5'10 with black hair and green eyes that were shaped like cat eyes. Without moving, I made the snow freeze him into a sculpture. Grinning at how easy it was to defeat him I looked at the 2 that were left. They were obviousely twins as they both had glowing blue hair and yellow eyes. What is it with all of these warlocks glowing weird neon colors?

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