Chapter 6: Dimples and giggles

Start from the beginning

I clear my throat and nod. "As long as that vulture out there stays in her home we can go." I state as I walk over and check the door one more time before rushing out with a very giggly Mia following closely.

Of course when we stepped out of the car that I had driven here I told her we must hold hands.


"We need to look like we actually like each other romantically. I hardly thought I had to explain this to you." I sigh

"You don't need to be so rude you know. Common kindness is returned when given."

"Unfortunately that wasn't in the contract." I counter as I swiftly grab her hand and intertwining it with mine.

She mumbled something I'm not able to hear and we set off into the restaurant I had chosen. It's just a wonderful Italian place I've grown to love and I owned most of the shares, when I found out this place was going down I had to save it. It's owned by a family that's been within the family for generations and I assured them that if they let me fund it that it will stay that way. All I had to take was 10 % of profits and they got the rest which is by far generous. It was also my dads favourite place and that meant something.



As we turn the corner there must have been at least two handfuls of paparazzi surrounding the place their cameras ready for action.




I heard the awful things they were saying at me and I stop walking. I was about to turn around and give these filthy animals a piece of my mind but Harry pulls me behind him in a protective stance.

"If I knew what was good for you I suggest you all shut your mouths. She's my girlfriend not some piece of meat." He says to them

I was shocked I thought he was about to tell me off because he fully knew I wasn't about to just let them holler at me like that.

"So the great Harry Styles is ready to settle down??"

"Go fuck yourselves." He says as he pulls me along into the restaurant. 

When we get inside we are sheltered and no paparazzi can get in. I felt better knowing they couldn't see us from outside. I knew what the paparazzi said wasn't true but that didn't mean it didn't make me feel less filthy to be called those things. I felt sad for some reason and I must of looked like it because I notice Harry's looking at me his face in his usual stern posture. 


"You aren't a hooker Mia." he simply says as he rests his hand on the small of my back. "And I won't let them think you are either."

I just smile in response as the hostess brings us to our table. When we sat down we were given our menus but Harry doesn't pick his up. 

"Harry my good man it's good to see you!" An older man comes out greeting Harry. He stands up from his seats and gives him a hug. 

"Hi Frank how's everything ?"

"Wonderful! Just the same as last time you came Harry." He chuckles "Darling! Come say hi it's Harry!"

Harry chuckles and looks at me "This is my girlfriend Mia. Mia this is a good family friend Frank he's the owner of this restaurant."

I stand up and smile offering him my hand.

"Oh no hand shakes here darling only hugs come here." He says as he gives me a full on bear hug

Then I assume the wife is next to come out and greet us. "She's beautiful Harry. You're a lucky man, I expect you to treat her right and nothing less."

"Of course Amelia." Harry says smiling wide at her

"Well we leave you to it. Don't worry about tonights meal it's on us." Amelia says as she walks away

We finally sit back down and Harry is still smiling showing off his dimples. He is quite a sight to see, he is actually charming when he isn't on buisness mode. I don't think he realizes how sweet he actually can be but anyone can tell something damaged him. Broke him to the point his buisness mode is on 90 percent of the time. 

Harry insisted on ordering for us and I let him since he had been here more than I had. I had to be honest and say I was having a really great time, he could make any girl happy and make her feel special. Maybe this was how he is, making a girl feel special was just an act. 

I look up at Harry and he was starring at me once again. "You know.. I don't mean to out step my boundaries or seem ungrateful for this opportunity. But you shouldn't be afraid to be myself." I state

"What do you mean?" He asks as he tilts his head and taking a sip of his scotch 

"To be out with Liam.." I say slowly 

"Why would I be afraid to be out with Liam?" He says raising his eyebrows 

"I know that some people aren't as understanding as I. But it is the 21st century and most people are more accepting of gay couples. You should be proud of being who you are and I don't think you two should be ashamed to show the world your love for each other."

His eyes go wide and he bursts out laughing, I notice how his eyes wrinkle on the sides and he holds his stomach not being able to control himself. 

"Liam and I aren't together or gay. He's happily married with a women and I'm almost positive she's pregnant with their first child. 

"But.. I swear I was right. Liam presented you as his partner and he was there at every meeting with you that involved me. The fact that both of you couldn't stress enough you wanted only a non sexual strict professional  relationship with me. It just fit to put those pieces together." I explain

He smirks shaking his head "He's my buisness partner." 

I felt stupid and my face felt hot.

"And as far as the non sexual part of our relationship, I was doing that for your own good. If I had it my way you'd be with me under my bed sheets." He says bluntly causing me to choke on my wine.

Damn you Styles.

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