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"I'm not doing it!" Kayla shrieked.

I covered my ears as her voiced echoed in the school hallway. And I thought Chloe was loud. Students started to look at us strangely, but we ignored it. It was strange seeing Kayla so unnerved. She was normally calm and composed but when it came to Tyler, it crumbled.

"Come on Kayla, prom is in three days! Ask Tyler to be your date if he's gonna be a coward about it." Chloe exclaims.

Kayla looked to me for help, but I shrugged. I don't really have a say in the matter. Chloe took control in these situations, and I just followed along.

"What if he says no? What if he already has a date? That would be so embarrassing." Kayla said quietly and covered her face.

I give her a quick hug. I knew Kayla was terrified, but she needed to do this. Tyler was just as scared of being rejected and thinking Kayla hates his guts, when in reality, it was the opposite.

Relationships in this world were so strange.

"You can do this Kayla. It doesn't have to be big like Zach's. Make it your own." I tried to advise. Kayla nodded, looking less scared.

"I can do this." Kayla mumbled to herself. Watching her put on her confident persona, she walked inside the classroom. Chloe and I tiptoed to the door and peeked through. We were going to be late to our class, but we didn't care.

"I believe in her. She's got this in the bag." Chloe whispered to me. I nodded in agreement.

We watched Kayla walk over to Nate, Tyler, and Zach, who were sitting in the back corner of their study hall. Kayla stood in front of Tyler and exchanged a few words with the boys. We leaned in closer, trying to hear past the chatting students.

"Tyler, can I talk to you in private for a second?" I heard Kayla say. Tyler looked at the guys in confusion, who had matching grins. Zach shoved Tyler out of his seat and he stumbled into Kayla. Nate snickered and I could hear Kayla giggle at his clumsiness. Kayla took Tyler's hand and pulled him to the door, so no one can hear their conversation (besides us).

I pulled Chloe behind the door, so they couldn't spot us. 

"What do you want to talk about?" Tyler said nervously. I couldn't see his expression because his back was facing us. We saw Kayla start to get anxious, our faces peeked out to give her encouraging smiles. She subtly nodded her head and took a deep breath.

"Tyler, I'm going to be very blunt about this, alright?" Tyler nodded his head in response. "Will you be my date to the prom? I don't picture going to any stupid formal event but with you." Kayla spoke confidently.

I saw Tyler's back tense up. He looked completely frozen. I don't know what his facial expression was, but Kayla looked like she was trying really hard not to laugh. I saw his ears become red. Me and Chloe tried to stifle our giggles.

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