Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"I told you I need some time Harry." I uttered. "I left you alone for two fucking days! Isn't that enough?" He said.

"No. I meant like a week or so," I responded. To be honest I need 10 minutes to realized I needed him. I missed him the second he left that janitor's closet.

"A week? That's a long fucking time! I can't wait that long to hang out with you!" He exclaimed.

I grinned. "So you miss me quickly huh?" He just laughed in response.

"I don't think you should be here Harry. It's late and I going on a date with Zayn tomor-"

"I know Meredith. You don't have to tell me again. And why does that matter? It's not like I'm here making out with you. We are just going to hang out like we did before," He cut me off.

"Okay. What do you want to do?" I asked.

"First sit up right because all your blood is going to your head and you face is red already!" He said chuckling.

I sat up straight and looked at him. He took his coat off which left him in a red and black plaid shirt which was unbuttoned. He had on a black t-shirt under and dark wash skinny jeans. He already at his shoes off which left him in his white socks covering his big toes.

It was surprising to see him in a button up shirt. I thought he only wore simple tees.

"Why are you checking me out like that?" His voice made me look up to his face which held a smirk. "I wasn't checking you out," I defended. Yes I was.

"Yeah. Keep telling yourself that," He said in a sarcastic tone. I laughed.

"So any ideas what we can do?" He questioned. An idea popped in my head.

"Stay here!" I exclaimed and ran upstairs. I grabbed my guitar and ran back downstairs which then I almost tripped but kept running down.

I slid in front of Harry since I had socks on and I was pretending to roller skate. I handed him the guitar which then he gave me a confused look.

"Sing the song you wrote and played when I was at your apartment." I demanded.

"I'm not going to sing Meredith," He replied. "Why not?" I pouted.

"Because....." He sighed. "Because what?" I questioned.

"It brings back memories," He whispered. Memories?

I sat next to him our shoulder brushed as I did so making butterflies erupt once again. Shouldn't I be used to this?

"What memories Harry?" I asked softly. He stared at the guitar that was on his lap.

"I don't want to talk about it," He replied still whispering. "Harry you can tell me. Please." I begged.

"It hurts. I can't."

"It will help if you tell somebody Harry. You can't just keep everything trapped inside. It will just hurt more." I grabbed his right hand and held in tightly in mines. "People change for reasons Harry. And I want to know why you changed. I want to know you Harry but I can't when you don't tell me anything. Not everyone in this world is going to care about you. But I do Harry. I care about you and I always will no matter what you do." I added. He looked up and gave me a weak smile. His eyes were glossy and a single tear slipped making my heart break. I hated seeing him like this.

I can't believe he is this broken inside but you can barely tell by the way he acts.

"I want to tell you Meredith. I want to so badly. But you will never forgive me. I had the darkest past and it still haunts me every night. I wasn't like this before. Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn were my best mates. We used to hang out all the time but then I fucked up and Liam left me. Then few months later Louis and Niall left me which left me with Zayn. We used to write songs and we were thinking of entering the X Factor when we get older but that never happened. We used to go to this recording studio Louis' mum worked at. After school and on the weekend we would go there and record the songs we wrote. But that all changed when I started hanging with these fucked up people. I screwed up bad and they all left me except Zayn. But I know Zayn wants to leave me too. But he just has pity for me. I don't have anyone besides him and that's why he sticks with me like a dog." Harry explained.

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