Chapter 40

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That was his excuse. He cheated on me and that was his excuse. That he didn't want to hurt me anymore.

"And what about the twins?" I asked.

"I..I don't know." Jason whispered.

"What do you mean you don't know?!" I said louder than I intended.

He flinched away from me and shrugged his shoulders."I j..just don't want get in the way."

"You're their dad. How are you going to get in the way?" I sighed.

He shrugged his shoulders and started to tug on the bottom of his shirt.

I was starting to get pissed off because Jason wasn't even trying to talk anymore and was just being plain difficult.

I sighed quietly and tried again."Jason, how would you get in the way?"

He just stood there and continued to tug on his shirt.

That was it. I was done crying over Jason. If he really wanted to leave me and the twins for Lacy, so be it. I didn't care anymore. I was done trying to make him stay, I was done pouring out my heart to have it pushed away, I was done waiting. I was fine before I met him and I know that I'd be fine once he was gone.

"If you don't want to be with me that's fine. I'm not going to beg you. Go be free. I won't force you to stay and I definitely won't force you to be in your children's lives. That's a choice for you to make. If you don't want to handle your responsibilities then I won't make you. My children will be cared for whether you're here for them or not." I said as I walked back towards the house, not waiting for him to respond.

Jason silently followed me back into the living room where Damon and Lacy were waiting.

When Damon saw me coming he jumped up from the couch and stretched."Did you two work it out?"

I walked over and stood next to him."Yeah, I think we said what needed to be said and got our points across."

Even though it was tough, I felt so much better now. It felt like all of the tension in my body had melted away.

Damon smiled at me."Good."

"I'm..I'm ready to go." Jason whispered.

"Oh, ok." Lacy said as she stood up and grabbed her purse."Thank you for allowing us to come over to sort things out."

"No problem." Damon said as he walked to the front door.

He pulled it open and ushered Jason and Lacy out, while I stood back and watched.

I sighed and fell backwards onto the couch. It really hurt to have that talk with Jason, but I had to so that I could move on. No use in stressing over something that I couldn't control.

"Are you ok?" Damon asked as he closed the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I sighed."I'm just glad that that's over."

Damon rested my legs on his lap, so that he could sit down with me."What did he say?"

"He said that he couldn't be with me because he had feelings for someone else and he didn't want to hurt me anymore." I said waving my hand around."Oh, and he said that he didn't know what to do about the twins and that he didn't want to get in the way."

"What? What does he mean?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders."He wouldn't say."

"Don't worry about a thing Sam." Damon whispered.

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