Chapter 12

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I stared at Jason as he sat on the side of the bed and pulled on his boxers.His hair fell to his shoulders in messy curls,the light from the window glowed on his skin,and his eyes shined in the light.

I smiled to myself and thought about how lucky I was to have him.I pulled my clothes on and stood beside Jason at the window.He was watching the neighbor and her toddler run in the yard.His eyes followed the little boy as he ran into his mother's arms.I grabbed Jason's hand and smiled at him.

We walked down stairs hand in hand.Jason's mom was sitting on the couch with her husband.When she saw us a broad smile crossed her face.

"There you are.We've been waiting for you two to come down all morning."she said.

"Yeah me and Diane could've talked to you earlier,but y'all were to busy breaking the bed boards."Harold said trying to hold back a laugh.

My face grew so hot that I thought I would melt.Were we really loud enough for them to hear us downstairs?I stared down at the floor feeling to embarrassed to look at them.

"Don't worry about that dear,but we do have something to discuss."Diane said.

I looked up at her with a questioning look.She motioned for us to sit down before she spoke.

"Jason's going in for an operation tomorrow."she said calmly.

I stared at her in shock."Operation!What operation?"

She sighed before answering."He's getting a cochlear implant.It won't be activated yet,but he's getting it put in tomorrow."

I looked over at Jason.He was staring down at our fingers smiling to himself.

"How long have you known the date of the operation?"I asked looking back at Diane.

"A couple of weeks now."she said.

I sighed.Why did I always find out things so late.

I pulled away from Jason's driveway and started to drive home.I thought it'd be nice to let Diane and Harold spend some time with Jason before his operation,so I decided to go home.

I walked through the front door and froze.James was sitting on the couch flipping through the tv channels.

He looked up at me and said,"Aye you seen yo mama?"

I ignored his question and walked down the hall.I closed and locked my bedroom door and then laid down on the bed.When I turned on the radio I couldn't help,but smile at the song.

It's just another night
and I'm staring at the moon
I saw a shooting star and thought of you...

There was a loud beating on my door and then came a voice.

"You ain't answer my question. Where yo mama at?"James called through the door.

I put my hands over my face and ignored him.

He started to beat on the door again and yelled,"Sam where yo mama at and open this damn door!You don't pay the bills around here!"

I rolled my eyes and sat up."Neither do you jackass."I called through the door.

When he started to beat even harder I could tell I had made him mad.I smiled to myself and packed a bag full of clothes and toiletries.I quietly hummed along with the song as I finished packing.

So open your eyes and see
the way our horizons meet
and all of the lights will lead
into the night with me
and I know these scars will bleed
but both of our hearts believe
all of these stars will guide us home....

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