"but here, you'll only get one wish fulfilled."

"With you that will be more than enough. Fine, I'm in." I exclaim dancing.

Flashback ends.

"you owe me a wish for this." I whispered in his ears and winked at him.

I hugged his arms and gave a bright smile.

He's taken aback for a moment but soon recovers from the shock and returns my bright smile with his killer one.

As we continued our talk with the Parker couple I get to know how my husband tricked me, he already knew about the events organized by the hotel for the honeymoon couples and in fact was invited by Mr. Parker himself and pretended all this time how he didn't want to attend this stupid game and made me convince (beg) him to come here. Argh! I glared at him. He returned my glare with his sheepish smile.

Sure, go ahead and enjoy making a fool out of me. I'll surely get my revenge for this.

I smiled mischievously which made his face go a little pale. Yes, you should be scared.

I took my hands off his arm and stepped few steps away from him which was of course noticed by the couple in front of us.

He glared at me but I just turned my head away.

"Is something the matter?" asked Jane.

"Oh it's nothing mam. Right honey?" He put his hands on my waist, holding me close.

I took his hands off me and glared at him, his face turning paler. Haha hilarious. He should know I'm the mc today and without me he's dead.

"what the hell are you doing?" He whispers in my ear.

"What do you think I'm doing?" I whispered back.

"Well?" Ryan and Jane looked at us with a confused expression on their face.

"to tell you the truth..." I turn to look at my husband's face which is going pale with every word I speak.

"Ah I can't do this anymore..." I shout.

"What is it child?" Jane asked me.

"You should ask my husband." he looked like as if I threw a bomb at him.

"Ryouma what did you do that her lovely smile is replaced by a sad face?" Ryan threatens my husband.

I just make a face and nod at Ryan's words.

There you go husband, answer now. I suppressed my smile.

"Well, her luggage was misplaced at the airport and after reaching here I left her alone at the room and went to work. She's just getting cranky over how I gave more importance to my work instead of her." What a lying jerk. lying so easily. But he isn't exactly lying, my luggage is misplaced and I am angry about that. Such a smart ass!

"You shouldn't have done that young man. Your 1st priority should always be your sweetheart no matter how important your work is. Right wife?" Ryan looks at his wife.

"It's all your fault." Jane scolds him.

"what did I do?" Ryan asks her confused.

"Who was the one who called him for work? Disturbing the newlyweds? Now you've created a fight between them in the 1st day of their holiday."

Oh no they're fighting because of us.

Now it was my husband's turn to suppress his laugh seeing the old couple fight.

"Look what have you done, idiot?" I hit him with my elbow.

"you did this." He winks at me.

"You're impossible."

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