Chapter 7: The Bond

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She looked beautiful today; I don’t think she realises just how perfect she is. Why isn’t she wearing a coat today? Usually, she would always be cursing about how cold it is… I should probably stop dropping in on her thoughts…

“Hey you okay?” I asked as soon as she came to a stop in front of me.

“Yeah I’m okay…” she trailed off looking at the ground and biting her lip. I don’t think she realises how cute that is. “Wolf” my breath caught in my throat as her brown eyes bored into mine. She didn’t, did she? No I must have heard he wrong; she probably said ‘Woof’ she liked dogs right? Yeah.

Am I some kind of idiot? Why would she say woof, she hasn’t got some kind of stupid turrets!

“What did you say?” I asked, trying to keep my calm as I eased myself off of the locker I was leaning on. I tried my best to keep my face looking normal.

“You heard me. I said wolf.”

Her voice echoed over and over in my head; this was not meant to happen. She wasn’t meant to find out this way, she wasn’t meant to find out yet. We had to go somewhere private, somewhere where we could talk about this before she starts going like some kind of werewolf Buffy on me. How about an empty classroom? No; it’s too risky. Let’s try the library? No; the librarian is always check me out. Eww. Take her to the school toilets? People will probably think I'm raping her. I finally came to a decision, I’ll take her to my house, no one will be home, and I could explain things to her clearly. I grabbed her securely around her writs and dragged her to my car, she must been deep in thought because she followed me without hesitation. I loved touching her, I loved the current that pumped through me whenever we touched; it was enough to drive anyone crazy.

Of course she drove me crazy; she was my mate. I knew she was my mate from the first time I saw her. On Saturday I instantly felt weird, it was like my entire body was covered in tingles. Davis – the leader of my pack – said this was what happened when you first meet your mate or when you are about to. I'm not sure what bought me to Starbucks but that’s where I found myself going on Monday morning, and that’s where I saw her. She looked so fragile and broken. She was hunched over a cup of hot chocolate with her headphones in; I don’t know how she didn’t even see me staring at her even though I was only about 5 meters away from her. When I returned her headphones after she left, I so desperately wanted her to look at me, but she never held her head up, she didn’t seem like she liked to be around people. When she touched my hands and I felt that tingling explosion, but it didn’t even look like she felt it. I wanted to know what she was thinking because she looked totally un-phased by it.

Like right now: What was she thinking about? She was biting her lips and furrowing her eyebrows like she was trying to figure out some kind of problem. She didn’t even realise when I lifted her up to put her in the car, pausing slightly before setting her down; she felt so right in my arms. Once in the car, I rolled up all the windows and took a deep breath in. I loved her scent, it was heavenly; she smelt of pink rose petals, which were as delicate as she was. She drives me crazy. We sat in the car for a while in complete silence, I was wondering what she was thinking, she hadn’t said a word from the encounter in the school. I let out a sigh and bought the engine to life, the roar of the engine must have bought her out of her thoughts as I saw her eyes widen and she adjusted her stance. The roar then settled to a purr and we set off. Whatever she was thinking about, I'm pretty sure it was about me because she looked at me with a really curious expression, even though I wasn’t looking directly at her, I saw it out of the corner of my eyes. She didn’t look frightened, she looked amazed and it looked like there was hope in her eyes. But I could have been wrong, why would there be hope?

As a wolf, we can't really hear thoughts, but if our mates are thinking of something, we sort of just feel the same vibe that they are. I'm not sure what she wanted, but she wanted direct contact. This made me shift in my seat a little, my heart fluttered at this thought. Could I just reach out and touch her? Could I hold her in my arms and claim her as my own? I wanted so desperately to feel her smooth skin under my fingertips and feel her shiver with pleasure. Sometimes I feel like I'm on top of ‘America’s biggest Perverts’ List

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