I stop moving and look at Claire. She had the 'oh fuck' face look and stood her ground. I charge at her punching and kicking. She was keeping up barely until I hear a voice. "Stop it, Jackie!" I knew that voice. It was Riley. I look to Claire and saw her panting with bruised arms. I step back from her while Riley took a step forward to me. I took another step back and turn to left them. But I felt a hand on my shoulder turning me back around, it was Claire and she was smiling. "I did this, I said some things that trigger you to change don't blame yourself but now you need to learn how to control it and use it without a trigger," she told me. I look up at her and into her eyes trying to understand. She just smiles again and told me to fight again. I didn't want to but she told me to just do it and I do. We fraught and hit each other I still felt the strength of her hit and I know she felt mine but I was healing. Then I felt a hit to the back and look over my shoulder to see Riley was fighting. "I'm going to help I don't give a fuck about what you say," she said and I let her join in. it was getting dark and we all have cuts and bruises but I was healing slowly now. We were still going at it but this time Luke was in on it. He wanted to know how strong I was even if I was weakened I could still kick ass.

After a few more rounds we stop and all headed to eat and to where the doctors set up a clinic. I didn't know to go see them but Claire and luke did. Riley to because I throw her off of my back during a fight but I didn't mean to be she shook it off and kiss me. I just ate and my cuts started to heal while I watch the others get check out. I think today was a good day and I got some control over it but I still wasn't the best at it. I mean I was the only one like this so this was all I could do. I was the only one who could fight the freaks and have super fast healing. But at the same time, i am only just a person trying to live in hell. But I had to make do with what I got and I had friends and a girlfriend to help me through this time. I was going to get good at controlling this so I can protect more people out these.

After getting check out I gave Riley a piggyback ride to our room. I set her down on the bed and lay down next to her. I kept apologizing for throwing her off until she hit me and told me to shut it because it was ok and she didn't get hurt. I was still sorry but she just kissed me to shut me up about it. Soon Tabi came in with Jade at her side. And she fell onto the bed tired and sore. She crawled up to the pillow and cuddle into me. I smile at her and so did Riley. "Night moms," she said and a sleepy voice. I froze and looked up at Riley. She looks at me and smile and came closer to wrap her arm around us both. "Night Tabi" and she kiss her head. "Night mom number two" and laugh at my shock face and went to sleep. Did she just call me mom? What, when did this happen? And how am I mom number two? I was here first! I calm down and smile at these two. These two who are my family. I wasn't going to let anything hurt them so I needed to get better at controlling my zombie mode. With everything going on and my body slowly healing I drift off the sleep and thought about how I just became a mom. I don't even think Tabi knew what she said but it was ok with me.

Waking up first Tabi was on top of Riley's chest. I smile at the both and kiss them on the forehead. After getting ready Riley and Tabi were up. I kiss Riley morning and hugged tabi. Tabi was taken back by that and I just smile at her. "You call us moms last night kid," I told her and she blushes. Her tan skin was getting a deep red and I just laugh at her. "It's ok kid I can be whatever you want me to be," I told her. She looks up at me with her light brown eyes then look to Riley who just smile at her. "Ok mom" she mumbled out. I laugh and left the room.

I was in a good mood when I saw claire. I follow her to get to the gym but this time instead of fighting we were going to do some yoga and mind shit. I didn't really get it but I was open to anything. "Alright, first off we are going to do some yoga and breathing then rest then explore that head of yours," she said to me. I just nodded and copy the movements she did. Now I already know that Claire is hot as hell but today she was wearing basketball shorts and a tank that showed off her arms. She winks at me again when she saw me staring and I just continue to work out.after we were done with that we rested for a few minutes before she told me to lay down and just breath.

I did what I was told and lay down on the floor. "Alright close your eyes and just breath deeply" and I did what I was told. I started to relax. "Alright, I want you to think of the happiest memory and speak it just don't see it tell me without losing this state," Claire told me. I try to think of something that made me happy that wasn't new. Then it me. " when I made my first free throw. I was playing with my, well step- cousin but we were like brother and sister. It was the summer of 04 and I wanted to learn how to play our favorite sport so I ask Jay to teach me. He was happy that I'd ask him to teach me. So on the next day, we climb a gate and a fence to the court just to relax that it had a door. But that didn't stop us. He didn't start me off with anything easy. No layups no nothing that me, this short ass nine years can do. So every day we went to the single hoop and throw free throw after free thrown. My arms were always killing me by the end but it didn't stop me. Jay was there with me throwing me and I kept missing and getting air balls until one day the ball hit the rim. I was so happy that I was getting stronger and better at it. So I double my effort into it and a month later I made my first shot. I was so happy that I made it. I didn't stop and I made every shot I was so happy then he taught me how to play and every day after that we did one one one until the day he was gone." I told her. I felt so much joy from that that my body began to burn. I shot up and felt my teeth grew and change.

I look at Claire and she just smiles at me. " we find another trigger'" she said and I just look at her. "Lay down again and relax again," she told me and I did it. "This time, I want you to tell me something that saddens you and says it out loud again" I did what I was told and relax my body and thought of a memory. " the last day I saw Jay was the last time we saw each other I win my first game. And I was so damn happy. But then the next day my he was gone. He drowns and I blamed myself so much that I wanted to end my life." I felt my body get colder. I got up and whip the single tear the fell from my eyes. I didn't want to do this anymore but my zombie mood wasn't on anymore. "Ok, last time we are going to do this. Lay down and think of something that gets you beyond mad" said Claire and I told it. It did take long for something to come to mind. " when I was in the high school I became a different person. I shut everyone out and lost myself. I did things that I never did. I was mad all the time and fought a lot in school but I was the best student so I didn't get kick out because of it. But that wasn't enough for me, so I started fighting outside of school and found an underground ring. I fought almost every night there and won money until something happens. I was fighting this guy and he had someone with him. We were fighting and I was whining until he knocks me down. I block my face so my body took the hits. I was getting mad until the speaker said sudden death. If I didn't get up I was going to die. Part of me didn't want to get up but something in my made me get up and I knock him down and starting hitting him harder and harder until he stopped moving but he wasn't dead. I get up and walked out of the ring and never stepped back into it. But a week later the guy who ran the ring thing throw me into the back of his car. I try to fight it but he didn't let me he wanted me to end that guy's life but I wouldn't. I ran from him and them but in the end, I ended his life and I like it. It fuels my rage and I didn't stop cage fighting and I did it." I said and shot up with pain in my gut. I got up and felt the pain spread throughout my body. I grunt out of pain and I cough up blood.

Claire came rushing to my side and I push her away. I felt so much pain and my body started to get cold again. I took off my shirt and saw my body change. My body was changing again. My body fat started to go away and I felt my muscles getting bigger and I saw then show. Claire came to me and saw my body. "Dame your change again," she said. "Yes but it's not in a bad way," I said. well besides coughing up blood I felt fine and strong. Claire left me and I went to the rooftop. I wanted to be alone and think about my past.

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