Isn't it obvious?

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Dominic's POV

The pounding on the door wouldn't stop.

I rolled around in bed, cursing whoever decided to make my life a living hell at nearly midnight. I wasn't usually in bed at this time, but the training left me more tired than usual. My day consisted of school, work, a visit to the club and going to sleep. My social life was officially dead.

Swinging my feet from the edge of the bed, I rubbed my eyes and stood. Whoever was standing on the other side of the door was going to pay.

Doubly, I thought when I opened my bedroom door and saw Max already standing in the hallway, looking murderous. We exchanged glances and I made my way to the door, swinging it open.

"Could you go fu-"

"Let me make your backpack lighter."

I didn't even manage to finish before the fast rumble echoed in my head. When I looked down at the owner of the voice, I found Abi's huge, gray eyes looking up at me.

I blinked, trying to figure out what she just said. Her words were so fast they literally slurred together. She was wearing her hat, the one with neon-pink pompon I wore on the day of our first date and her face was flushed – either with cold or something else. When I didn't say anything after about ten seconds of staring at her, she rolled her eyes and lifted herself onto the tips of her toes.

"Bend your head." She said, biting her lip.

I gaped.

"Bend. Your. Head." She repeated, this time slower.

"Wha -"

Making an impatient sound, she reached up, clasped both of my cheeks in her small hands, and brought my head down to hers. Before I knew what was happening, our lips were locked and she was kissing me senseless.

Now, it was probably the first time a girl surprised me with a kiss. Usually, I was the one initiating them – usually changing into always in Abi's case – but right now, I was the one on the shocked side. It took me a moment to collect myself enough to close my eyes and kiss her back, but it was long enough to make her giggle at my clumsiness.

Wanting to shut her up, I picked her up, forcing her to wrap her legs around me. Not wanting to put on a show for Max in the middle of the hallway, I started backing us into my bedroom. He stepped around the corner, though, but stopped in his tracks when he took in the scene before him.

"What the -"

I ignored him and made my way to my room, kicking the door shut behind me. I was thinking that once we were inside, Abi was going to entangle herself from me and tell me the hell what was going on, but apparently, I was wrong. If anything, she just got bolder, being the one to deepen the kiss and startling me with its intensity.

Confused, I dropped her carefully. She lifted her chin and stared at me questioningly. Her lips were swollen and pink and it took everything in me not to just say hell with it and pick up where we stopped.

"What are you doing, Sweetie?" I asked, my voice sounding a little more breathless than I wished it too.

She grinned with mischief.

"Isn't it obvious?"

Yeah. Yeah, it kind of was.

I furrowed my brows, suspicion sinking in. Something wasn't right.

"Are you drunk again?" I asked.

She laughed and my heart jumped at the sound. I haven't heard her laugh in so long.

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