I promise

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If everything was going to go as planned, they were going to let me out in two days. Turns out, the concussion wasn't so bad and they only wanted to leave me for observation. The bigger problem, however, was my face. I haven't seen myself in the mirror yet, but when I touched the left side of it, I could tell it was two times bigger than it was supposed to. I couldn't also use my face muscles so much because every little move hurt like hell. Which meant frowns, eye rolls and raised brows were out of the question.

Poor me. How was I going to survive without my signature face mimicry? Sigh.

I was currently alone in my room since the doctor had left to take care of other patients and Sierra went in search of some hot chocolate. Needless to say, I was already bored out of my mind. Neither Sierra, nor Dom has gone home since I was brought into the hospital, which meant all I had were the clothes I had been wearing (someone had taken them off me and dressed me in this stupid, flimsy hospital gown, and I honestly hope it was Sierra) and my dead phone. They wouldn't even let me go out for a walk along the corridor. I was just trapped here, in this very bed, for the next two days.

At least they removed the blinds so that I could now stare out the window.
How considerate.

I was just in the middle of a very passionate dialogue with myself when the door cracked open. I was now able to move my head a little, so I turned it in the direction of the door slightly, expecting to see the doctor or Sierra with two cups of hot chocolate from the hospital's vending machine.

That's why I started when I saw who came inside.

His eyes immediately locked with mine. He paused in the doorway, as if hesitating, but when I sent him a slight smile, he beat the distance between us and came to stand right next to the bed. Then he sat down on its edge, careful not to touch me.

I was in a sitting position right now, since the nurse was nice enough to help me situate the bed so that I wouldn't be laying down all the time. I had a little remote with colorful buttons, with which I could regulate my actual position by moving the bed. Cool.

None of us said anything as we just stared at each other for a moment. Dominic's eyes were glued to my face and he looked at me intensely, as if memorizing my features.

Which I really hoped was not what he was doing, because I would be worried if he remembered me the way I was looking right now.

I took him in, too, and forced myself not to frown. Just like Sierra, he was pale, with dark circles blooming under his eyes. But there was more.

There was a cut on his left brow and a dark bruise on the underside of his jaw. I didn't look down, but I knew that if I did, I would see that his knuckles were raw.

"You have a bruise." I said as I reached out, tracing my fingers along the purple spot lightly.

He closed his eyes for a second, but the corners of his lips tipped up slightly.

"Have you seen yourself, Sweetie?" He replied.

My hand dropped and he opened his eyes again, momentarily focusing them back on my face.

"No." I said. "And I refuse to after what Sierra had told me."

He nodded. After a moment, I started feeling very self-conscious under his intense gaze. I squirmed a little under the blankets, thinking of a way to distract him.

"Is everyone out there alive?" I tried.

It worked. Immediately, his eyes darkened and he dropped his gaze.

"I hope not." He said, no doubt referring to the guy he'd beat up earlier.

There was a moment of silence again, as we both got caught in out thoughts.

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