Death trap

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For this dedication, I specially came back to this chapter. I just had to. Ember_, you're killing me, girl. I love your comments. Thank you <3


I woke up in an unknown bedroom. I was laying in a bed, buried in soft, dark gray covers. Something about them seemed familiar, but I didn't know what exactly. It was silent, apart from the quiet pounding sound coming from somewhere in the distance.

I sat up slowly, letting the covers pool around my hips. Looking down, I noticed I was still fully dressed, and dressed in my own clothes. That was good.

Yawning, I looked around the room slowly. The dark lids hid the window, so I didn't know if it was night or day outside. The walls were painted some dark color, but there was too little light  in the room to tell what exactly. A familiar scent hung in the air, like rainwater and something musky. I took a deep breath, trying to connect the dots. And when I did, my eyes snapped open.

I quickly threw the covers back and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Blinking furiously, I ran a hand through my tangled hair, my fingers getting stuck in the knots. I looked over my shoulder in search of some clock. My eyes stopped on the blue illuminated numbers on what I supposed was his bedside clock.

7:24. Oh, my.

I jumped off of the bed and drew open the lids. The sky outside was completely dark. The quiet sound I'd heard earlier was coming from the drops hitting against the glass. It was raining heavily.

I stumbled around the room, looking for the door. I found it on the opposite wall and stormed outside. And face-planted the wall.

"Woow." the wall spoke in a deep voice. "For someone who's spent the last two hours sleeping, you are extremely active right now, Sweetie."

I took a step back and lifted my chin. Dominic was standing in front of me, his usual smirk in place. I wrinkled my forehead, staring at him.

"What have you given me?" I demanded.

His smirk turned into a grin.

"Ah, about that." he scratched the back of his head. "Remember when I told you the painkiller was quite strong?"

I nodded.

"Well, turns out it must have been a bit too strong for you."

I frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"It was the type of painkillers we usually take. Me and Max." he explained. "Giving it to you, I didn't think it might be too much for your, er, slight frame."

Huh. I have been called many things in my life. Bony. Skinny. Sticky. But not once have someone called my post-anorectic body a slight frame. Against everything, I got the sudden urge to smile.

"It means that what usually helps us," Dominic went on when I didn't say anything. "knocked you off your feet. Literally."

Oh. Well, I didn't think about it, either.

"So you decided it would be best to let me sleep and move me over to your bedroom?" I asked.

"I figured you'd be more comfortable there than on the chair." he shrugged. "And I promised I wouldn't sit you on the couch."

So the guy had a conscious, after all? Well, who would have thought?

"Thank you." I said, not quite meeting his eyes. "And, um, where is Max?"

"I sent him back to school to drive Sierra home while I stayed here in case you woke up, demanding where you were."

Oh, shit. Sierra finished her classes over two hours ago. I could just imagine what she'd gone through when she couldn't reach me through the phone. Or when Max came and told her she was supposed to come with a stranger, because her best friend decided she didn't care.

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