The red one

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"Remind me once more, where am I going tonight?" Sierra asked from where she was lounging on the couch, playing her PSP.

I turned off the mixer and wiped my forehead with my forearm, the only part of my hand that wasn't sticky with the dough at the moment.

"I have honestly no idea. And I don't ask, I just bake."

Tonight was New Year's Eve and we were invited to some party organized by someone we didn't know somewhere we have never been. Easy to predict, neither of us was extremely fond of going, but we decided to come for a while. So far, I've spent the whole day in our little kitchen, since I've been asked to bake something. Sierra, on the other hand, set up a camp in our living room and tried her best to convince me to stay.

Sierra. Convincing me not to go to the party. Yeah, life was a bitch.

But hey, the new, adventurous Abi needed to resurface from time to time, right?

Sierra's groan could be heard even over the buzzing of my mixer.

"But why? Why do we have to go? Whom have I possibly hurt to deserve it?"

I smirked at her performance.

"There's going to be food there, Si."

"We could stay here and have food, too."

"If we don't come, they'll probably break into our apartment and bring the party here. I'm pretty sure Dominic knows our intercom's code by now."

Sierra threw the console onto the couch beside her and turned to me.

"You know that I love you and all, and even though most of the time I find the two of you cute enough to barf, there are days when I start seeing the bad parts of your relationship. And you know what? This is one of those days."

She pointed an accusing finger at me and I raised my hands.

"I haven't told him a thing. He must have figured it out on his own." I shrugged. "He's like a freaking ninja or something."

"You're still the one who brought him here in the first place."

I just shook my head, knowing she could go on forever. If there was anyone walking this Earth who was more stubborn that me, it was Sierra.

"Hey, guess what?" Sierra jumped up onto the couch's headboard. "We could just hide in the bathroom and pretend we're not here for the night!"

I shot her a glare.


"What?" She grinned with mischief. "It worked with you."

I rolled my eyes and poured the dough into the baking form.

"We're going to that party."

The truth was, I wasn't very keen on going there, either. I've just made the mistake of promising that to myself when I made a list of things the new Abi wanted to do. Going to a party was one of them. And even though I knew it was probably going to end with us hiding in the bathroom anyway, I was determined to go. Just to honor my new resolve.

Sierra groaned and fell backwards onto the couch.

"You know, I preferred the old Abi." She murmured. "The one who had to be carried out of her room to just do something."

I sent her a smug smile.

"If I don't go now, I'll probably become that Abi once more and retreat into myself and refuse to come out of my room, which would mean you will have to deal with Dominic, who will think this is all your fault and -"

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