His redemption

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Dominic's POV

I drove a few blocks away and pulled my car into a stop on the nearest shoulder.

I turned off the lights and killed the engine. Once the darkness surrounded me, I sighed and let my head fall back against the headboard.

He has some luggage with him and he won't let go of it easily.

My hands instinctively clenched into fists as I remembered Bran and Abi's little conversation in the hall. I know it wasn't meant for my ears, but once I heard the first words, I just couldn't let it go.

Please, don't do anything that could make his backpack heavier, all right?

Meaning: don't ever leave him or he'll go through another breakdown and that's something I know I can't handle again.

I sighed, closing my eyes. I knew he was doing this because he cared for me. Dammit , I knew. But the knowledge didn't change the fact that I didn't want him telling her things like that.

I didn't want pity, and sure as hell not from her.

Needing to take a break from all the thoughts whirling in my head, I reached over to the glove compartment and shuffled around the things stuffed in there. Wrapping my fingers around the smooth material of the lighter, I dug further for my cigarettes.

The flame lit the entire car, seeming extremely light in the total darkness. Putting the flame to the end of my cigarette, I realized my hands were shaking slightly. Damn.

Sitting back, I took a drag and let it out slowly. I watched as the light smoke evaporated slowly, disappearing in the dark.

Smoking wasn't something I did often. Hell, I didn't do it at all. I honestly couldn't recall the last time I've taken out my emergency packet of cigarettes meant to ease the sudden melancholy that overwhelmed me. But sometimes, in moments like this one, I just needed to do something to take my mind off the problem.

This little conversation, it was the exact reason why I didn't want her picking this job. God only knows what else he was going to tell her about me when I wasn't there to listen and control. Their little encounter only assured me in the fact that my secrets were not safe around them. I didn't want her knowing, at least not yet. People tended to look at me differently once they learned what and why I have or have not done. And I couldn't stand Abi looking at me differently.

You might be his redemption.

I snorted and shook the ash off the end of the cigarette through the open window.
If only she knew, she wouldn't want to be.

Not in the slightest.
A/N: A little sneak-peek into Dom's mind. This is probably the only chapter writeen in his point of view, so bathe in its awesomness. I just wanted to let you know what he had going on. Bessos!

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