Recovery & Release

Beginne am Anfang

"Hello how can I help you young lady? " The nurse asks

"Yes there was a patient here for two weeks y/n y/l/n she was in a car accident she was admitted here two weeks ago I was wondering if you could tell me if she has gotten released yet?" The the emerald eyes girl asked with a warm smile

"Of course are you family or" the nurse asked looking up at her

"No no just a friend" the girl replied

"Oh honey I am sorry but as per confidentiality we are not allowed to gi-"

Just then, the girl placed her hand on the nurses hand automatically sending him into a trance. She then removed her hand and stared him in the eyes her eyes now glowing like the sun a soft golden color

"Y/N y/l/n yes I see it here, she was discharged two days ago would you like the address as well?" He asked

"Oh yes ,that would very kind of you" the girl responded with a smile

"Certainly, it's 2484 North River Drive is there anyting else that I can"

The nurse snapped out of his trance and blinked a few times the girls eyes returned back to their stunning Emerald Color as she smiled "Thank you very much" she said turning and walking out the front door

"No problem..."

A/N btw the show that I mention in this chapter "Lost Girl" is a really good fucking show I suggest you all check it out on Hulu or Netflix!!

I lay on the sofa watching Lost Girl with my feet propped up on the amoire, Camila was in the kitchen cooking, talking to the girls on Speakerphone and getting things together for a small Pool Party that she was throwing in welcoming me back home I tried to help her out in the kitchen but being Cuban she refused my help and ordered me to rest so, the girls agreed to come over and help her out.

"Can I get you anything baby?" She asked kissing my forehead

"Oh no I'm good just wish I could help you out in there" I said

"Oh no you rest the girls will be here in an hour I have mostly everything finished just need their help with setting up the grill and decorations and music." She said

Camila was my best find and so we're the other girls but Camila had developed feelings for me during the time of my accident before I was in the wreck she actually confessed to me how she was starting to fall in love with me but I reminded her of her boyfriend Shawn and told her that he was a great guy and to give him a chance.. she respected my decision though I could see that it hurt her she never said any more about her feeling and always kept a smile on her face, thing is Shawn was in fact a good guy and he treated Camila like a princess he was in love with her, he was also like the big brother I never had..and I wouldn't ever let her do anything foolish to break what they had. In any case Camila still loved me and she stayed by me the entire time that I was recovering in the hospital.. she was a good friend.


The doorbell rang 20 minutes later and Camila ran to answer the door

"Hey girll!!" Dinah shouted

"Y/n the girls are here!!" Camila shouted from the front entrance

I readied my crutches and scooted myself up off of the sofa and limped towards the girls who enveloped me in a hug

"Oooo oooo sorry" they all said in unison.

"How are you feeling girl? We heard you got pretty banged up in that accident" Dinah said looking me over

"Oh I'm fine now just trying to take it easy until I heal" I said smiling

"Did you see you car it's banged up pretty bad" Normani asked

"No I havent," I said frowning

There was a comfortable silence for a few minutes

"Well girl we're just glad you are alive you know that's what's most important" Ally said smiling

"Thank you all" I said gently hugging them all

Ok Shawn and Demi will be here in about an hour and a half girls umm Ally can you help me in the kitchen and Normani and Dinah you girls are good at decorating and music do you mind setting

"Already gone girl" Normani said cutting Camila's words off she grabbed Dinah and rushed out to the back deck to set up the pool area. I giggled to myself and shook my head, those girls I swear I had a group of some of the bestest friends ever.


About an hour had passed and the doorbell rang, Camila ran to open it and welcomed Shawn and Demi Shawn gave Camila a sweet kiss on the lips and handed her a bouquet of red roses "for you my dear" he said handing her the flowers which earned him another kiss. Demi (yes Demi lovato) spotted me and a huge smile crossed her face "Hey girl what are you doing still laying up on this sofa" she asked as she walked over to me and gave me a hug "Oh you know me just chillin" I said with a smirk making them all laugh "Hey I'm so glad you are home and doing better you look good" she exlaimed her beautiful smile just radiated off of her she was good people, I liked Demi, liked her a lot but she was dating a handsome guy named Wilmer they were cute together really cute I was the only one who was single but I was ok with it, sometimes I wished that I had a girlfriend but in the past my past girlfriend only wanted me for my money they didn't care about my heart or even me as a person sonic guess you could say, I was just waiting for the right one to come along.... whoever she may be.

"Well hey hey short stop!" Shawn said as we did our secret "bro" handshake I was more of a girly tomboy if that makes since.

"Ha ha why do you call me that shawny boy" I asked giggling

"Because little sis (he said breathing hard as he sat beside me) I am taller than you he said tapping my shoulder

"Dude I'm 5'8 I'm not that sho"

"Mhm like I said bro taller than you hey I'll be right back going to finese my lady" he said cutting me off he said getting up and running up behind Camila before picking her up.

"Hey parties out here loser come on" Dinah shouted from the patio, I could hear good music playing outside and I decided to join them.

"Here I come!" I shouted..

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