Chapter 16

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I pulled on my black hoodie, black sweatpants, and white high top converse. Lily said I needed to "blend in with the surroundings." So I decided to go all black minus the shoes. I just hoped I wouldn't get hit by a car. 

Cameron called a few moments later to tell me he was ready. I headed down stairs to wear Jason was finishing getting ready. Since he and Lily were going to be at the dance for about twenty minutes, they had to dress like they were really attending the dance. Jason, not being one to dress up, wore a white button down shirt, a hoodie on top, and dress pants, along with his checkered Vans. This was not one of our most fashionable days. Before leaving the house, I grabbed my flashlight and the bag of "supplies." 

We arrived at Cameron's house ten minutes later. I texted Cameron when we got there and he immediatley came out the front door closing it as quietly as possible. 

"I had to lie to my mom," Cameron said.

"So?" I questioned.

"I don't lie, Callie."

"Congratulations Cameron. You are officially a rebel."

"Shut up," he said leaning back against his seat.

"What did you tell her?" Jason asked.

"That we were going to the movies," he said.

"Dude, that's not that big of a lie," I said.

"It's still a lie though," Cameron replied.

"Don't worry. I don't lie that much either, and I am telling you it's okay," I said.

"That much?"

"Well sorry I'm not perfect."

"Nevermind," Cameron said to end the conversation.

Jason drove on until we reached the vacant lot. He continued on through the grass until he reached the area we had decided on. 

"Okay, so I guess I'll text you when I'm on my way," Jason said to me.

"Cool. See you then," I said as I started to get out of the car.

"Are you sure you want to wait here in the dark?"

"Yeah, we'll be fine. Besides, there's a shopping center over there," I said pointing to an area illuminated in the distance.

"Okay, bye."

"Bye," I said before shutting the door.

I'm not going to lie. I was really nervous. For one, we were in the dark heading towards the woods to hide in until Jason got back. Two, if we got caught, we could get in trouble. If I had to call my mom and tell her I was suspended from school, she'd send me home in a heartbeat. I fumble through the plastic shopping bag from Target until I found the flashlight. When I flipped the switch, it didn't turn on. Crap. I shook the flashlight, and this time it flickered on. Cameron and I followed the flashlight's path to the woods. Cameron checked his phone and it read 7:00. Jason must be getting there about now. I could imagine it all happening. Hopefully it was going how I imagined it in my head. 

"Are you nervous?" Cameron asked.

"Um, yeah," I said.

"Me too."

I looked off into the distance where we could see the street lights and buildings. The window blew calmly and from out here, we could almost see the stars. The only sounds we could hear were the occasional car honks or an owl off in the distance. It was nice, to be honest. As nervous as I was, I wasn't really scared because there was no one out here. I wouldn't have wanted to be there with anyone but Cameron. 

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