Chapter VII: The Dark Knight Rises

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Batman POV

These kids are wasting my time. I need to talk to Chiron. If what he said about the Joker is right, the girl may not live for long. "Get back to your cabins!" I grumbled at them. "Percy, let's go." said the daughter of Athena. Wise decision. When they left, I slipped back into the shadows and reached the front door of the Big House. I went inside without knocking. A dark haired kid stood right in front of me with his Stygian Iron sword raised. "State your business, or I will stick my blade up your throat." he said fiercely. "Get out of my way kid" I said without concern. The boy tackled me to the ground and kept his sword close to my neck. "I won't ask again. State your business here!" he yelled.

This kid really asked for it. I made the lights flicker and confused him. I then slipped into the shadows and came up behind him. For a second there, he got confused, "Where in tartarus did he di-". I disarmed him and held him down. "Tell me" I started, "Do you bleed?". He didn't answer. "You will" I completed. With that, I let him go. "You are a son of Hades aren't you?" he asked. "I don't have to answer you, boy" I told him. "Then how else did you slip into the shadows, if you're not a son of Hades?" he asked again. "You ask too many questions" With that I whispered the ancient sleep chant into the boy's ear and made him fall asleep. I laid him down on a carpet and went up the stairs.


I couldn't sleep. Everytime I close my eyes, I see her. Calypso. How I miss those almond eyes and her nutmeg fragrant hair. Wait, what am I saying right now? I asked myself. I should be thinking of all the ways to save her. Not think about her hair spray and her eyes. Maybe I can call Batman for help. Or Wonder wom-......

I must have drifted off to sleep. Stupid sleep. Now who knows what kind of crazy nightmares I'll have today. It's like all the demigods go to a bar and asks the bartender, "What nightmares do you have for me today, Ol' Jeff?".

But this time it was something different. I found myself in a workshop with the sound of metals clanking and turning. The next instant I found myself face to face with a guy. Well you can say more machine than a man. "Leo, I need you to listen carefully." he started. "If you want to find your girlfriend, first you will need to find Doomsday's body. He has the key. You can get inside the spacecraft with the key. When you get the box, come find me and I'll help you find your girlfriend".

"Woah, wait wait wait......what box and what spacecraft? I'm seriously confused" I said. "I'm talking about Superman's spacecraft and you will come to know about the Boxes very soon. You will find me when you find the box and I'll help you get your girlfriend back" explained the tin man. "Wait, don't you have a prophecy for me? The others got one, so I expected one too" I asked. "Sorry, don't have any prophecies." he apologised, "But I can make you one. Okay, here it is. 'Tomorrow is Monday'. How does that sound?" he asked excitedly. "Woah! That is the best prophecy I've ever heard in my entire life!" I said sarcastically.

"But seriously though. If the Boxes fall in the wrong hands, then it's goodbye Earth. Just remember that. OK, I think it's time for you to wake up now." he said as everything around me disappeared and a giant alarm clock swallowed me up.

I woke up and looked at my clock. It said it was 6 in the morning. Good. Now time to find out where Doomsday's body is being held and save my girlfriend.

Guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also I kept my word to all my fellow Batman fans and put up his POV. Special requests for certain POVs might get accepted. Also vote and share this story.


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