one hundred seventy

176 15 23

Guys I'm currently having an existential crisis- I finished a book (not just any book, my favorite book) and now I have nothing to read. I don't want to read a popular series like hunger games, divergent etc. If you have any book recs please comment bc I'm feeling lost and alone and all I keep thinking about is my last book and how I might never find a book that great again
Now onto the regularly scheduled event...

Things the Signs were invited to do/go to over the summer

Aries- The Charmings' super summer bash

Taurus- a sleepover at Briar's

Gemini- a meetup at the café with Rosabella to talk serious issues (sounds like something my Gemini best friend would be into)

Cancer- an art class with Cedar

Leo- a shopping trip with Apple

Virgo- a lake house trip with Raven

Libra- a garden party at Ashlynn's

Scorpio- a pool party at Duchess's

Sagittarius- a hang out at Holly and Poppy's to do makeovers

Capricorn- a guest appearance on Cupid's show

Aquarius- a baking party with Cerise and Ginger

Pisces- a party in Lizzie's yard with the Wonderlandians (croquet and tea included of course)

What did you get?

QOTP: have you downloaded Pokemon go?
No, and you probably shouldn't bc it's becoming very dangerous. Please be safe

Ever After High Zodiac SignsWhere stories live. Discover now