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Whose wardrobe the Signs want to steal

Aries- Cerise Hood

Taurus- Holly O'Hair

Gemini- Poppy O'Hair

Cancer- Ashlynn Ella

Leo- Briar Beauty

Virgo- Blondie Lockes

Libra- Duchess Swan

Scorpio- Raven Queen

Sagittarius- Darling Charming

Capricorn- Apple White

Aquarius- Lizzie Hearts

Pisces- Maddie Hatter

What did you get?

QOTP: who do you think you'd actually like to dress most like?
I like the way Cerise and Holly dress even though it's pretty different from each other. And Briar's and Darling's too. I like Ashlynn, Apple and Raven's styles too though I don't think I'd wear them. I guess it depends on the outfit.

Ever After High Zodiac SignsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ