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The Signs as EAH Staff

Aries: Mr.Badwolf (General Villainy Teacher)

Taurus: Coach Gingerbreadman (Grimmnastics teacher/sports coach)

Gemini: Baba Yaga (Counselor for non-royals)

Cancer: Maid Marian (Damsel-in-Distressing teacher)

Leo: Milton Grimm (headmaster)

Virgo: Mr. Pied Piper (muse-ic teacher)

Libra: Mr. Card (art teacher)

Scorpio: Professor Rumplestiltskin (Science & Sorcery teacher)

Sagittarius: King Charming (Heroics 101 & Advanced Wooing teacher)

Capricorn: the White Queen (counselor of the royals)

Aquarius: Mr. Poppa Bear (Beast Training & Care teacher)

Pisces: Giles Grimm (co-headmaster)

What did you get?

QOTP: Which class would you want to take at EAH?
I'll be honest Beast Training & Care seems like a cool class

This update was really fun to make

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