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EAH Characters' Signs
I didn't make these up, they are the characters' real signs based on their birthdates. This was a lot of work bc I had to look up each characters' birthdays...

Aries- Daring Charming

Taurus- Apple White, Duchess Swan, Farrah Goodfairy

Gemini- Kitty Cheshire, Maddie Hatter, Poppy and Holly O'Hair

Cancer- Cedar Wood

Leo- Briar Beauty

Virgo- Rosabella Beauty, Blondie Lockes

Libra- Ashlynn Ella

Scorpio- Cerise Hood, Faybelle Thorn

Sagittarius- CA Cupid, Raven Queen

Capricorn- Lizzie Hearts

Aquarius- Darling and Dexter Charming, Ginger Breadhouse, Bunny Blanc

Pisces- Hunter Huntsman

What did you get?

QOTP: thoughts on these? We're you expecting what you got?
I'm honestly surprised I didn't think I'd have the same sign as Daring, thought he'd be a Leo. Most of them however do make a lot of sense to me.

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