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The Fairytale Protagonist the Signs Would be
(Character name, character's story)

Aries- Red (not sure she even has a name but OUAT calls her Red) Little Red Riding Hood

Taurus- Jack, Jack and the Beanstalk

Gemini- The Little Mermaid, The Little Mermaid (Ariel in Disney version)

Cancer- Snow White, Snow White

Leo- Prince Charming (or princess I guess) from whatever story you want

Virgo- Belle, Beauty and the Beast (I'm not sure if her name is Belle outside the Disney version)

Libra- frog prince, The Frog Prince (this would be Naveen from Princess and the Frog if you were following the Disney versions)

Scorpio- Pinnochio, Pinnochio

Sagittarius- Peter Pan, Peter Pan

Capricorn- Cinderella, Cinderella

Aquarius- Rapunzel, Rapunzel/Disney's Tangled (I like Tangled better than the traditional version)

Pisces- Mad Hatter, Alice in Wonderland

What did you get?

QOTP: what's your favorite Disney fairytale movie?
Tangled. I love Frozen and it comes so close but Tangled has amazing characters and development and it's not that Frozen doesn't but Tangled has an OTP so

On a side note I have a friend whose great grandparents are named Hans and Elsa isn't that hilariously unfortunate

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