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When you're clearly still not over the school musical being over

Who the Signs would want to play the lead(s) in the school musical

Aries- Luke Montague (ignore that he's an OC)

Taurus- Darling Charming

Gemini-Apple White

Cancer- Cerise Hood (imagine Cerise was actually into music not just in Fifth Destiny omg I'd love it)

Leo- Duchess Swan

Virgo- Dexter Charming

Libra- Raven Queen

Scorpio- Daring Charming

Sagittarius- Briar Beauty

Capricorn- Hopper Croakington

Aquarius- Holly O'Hair

Pisces- Lizzie Hearts

What did you get?

QOTD: who do you think would be the best fit for the lead in an EAH musical?
Idk tbh Raven would probably be a great actress

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