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The EAH character the Signs probably hate most

You guys are so good at judging things you don't know enough about to judge. I know bc I'm guilty of this myself, it's a teenage thing but it really sucks either way

Aries- Lizzie Hearts

Taurus- Kitty Cheshire

Gemini- Poppy O'Hair or Holly O'Hair (whichever twin you don't like)

Cancer- Blondie Lockes

Leo- Faybelle Thorn

Virgo- Sparrow Hood

Libra- Raven Queen

Scorpio- Apple White

Sagittarius- Hunter Huntsman

Capricorn- Daring Charming

Aquarius- Cerise Hood

Pisces- Briar Beauty

What did you get?

QOTD: Is what you got true? If not, which character do you actually hate most?
I don't hate any of the characters (actually jk I hate Bunny Bland) (ps I spelt it wrong on purpose) if you hate Cerise shame on you we can't be friends jk maybe but it's a long shot

I still love you for reading though

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