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EAH Characters that I wish were more like the Once Upon A Time versions of those same characters (or the opposite)
Sorry if you don't like OUAT you probably don't care but if you do like EAH you probably would really like OUAT

Aries- Daring Charming and David Nolan ("Charming") rn Darling acts more like David than Daring does

Taurus- Maddie Hatter and Jefferson (aka @ EAH plz make Maddie take things seriously at least sometimes....)

Gemini- Raven Queen and Regina Mills

Cancer- Apple White and Mary Margaret Blanchard ("Snow")

Leo- Cerise Hood and Ruby Lucas ("Red")

Virgo- the narrator (Brooke?) and Henry Mills

Libra- Briar Beauty and Aroura, but in this case I actually wish Aroura was more like Briar.

Scorpio- Sparrow Hood and Robin Hood (I love & miss Robin sm)

Sagittarius- Rosabella Beauty and Belle French/Gold (100% completely want this A+ characterization for Rosabella)

Capricorn- Lizzie Hearts and Cora, the Queen of Hearts- in all honesty, I wish they handled the Queen of Hearts better in OUAT, so I wish she was more like Lizzie. Did they ever even explain how she ended up queen of hearts???

Aquarius- Faybelle Thorn and Maleficent what I really want here is for Faybelle to have more depth, since it's hard to compare a teenage girl to adult Maleficent

Pisces- Apple White and Emma Swan. Yes Apple is here twice :) I wish Apple would be more like Emma, as annoying as she might be she does save the day all the time

Sorry I didn't explain them all. Some are harder to explain than others.
What did you get?

QOTP: what fairytale character does EAH not have that you wish they did?
A kid for Rumplestiltskin, not just the teacher... The Snow Queen's kid (preferably also a girl)... A kid for the White Queen... Captain Hook, Peter Pan, Tinker Bell... Hercules....A whole list tbh

Hello I wanted to tell you about a book I just published called Adventures in Ever After: A Guide to Ever After High. It's not going to be a story, it will discuss the webisodes, the dolls, the characters, the ships, and anything else you'd need to know or want to talk about if involved in this fandom. You could say it's like a ship book and a rant book sort of but I'm not going to angry-write bc I don't want to scare you off... Haha! I hope you'll give it a look. I attached the cover above and it's in my works now on my page! Love you all!!!!

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