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I continued to watch instead of going with Bella back to the hotel. "Up next is Rhett Jenkins. He is the son of LJ Jenkins he won it last year and hopes to this year."

I was surprised when I heard his name called. After the last round I was allowed back behind the chutes. I found the medical station easily and the head of the medical staff.

"Belle how's your father?" "He's good. Um I was wondering if I could join the team." "I'd have to check all of your paperwork and make sure you've got everything required." He said sitting down in a chair. I nodded. "Could you let me know before Christmas?" I asked. "I'll let you know by NFR." "Thank you!" I said and gave him my number.

I got a cab back to the hotel and went up to my room.

Belle June Bolton

I got up and dressed in cowgirl tuff jeans and a PBR long sleeve. After I threw on my mom's boots I grabbed the room key and my phone.

I went to several locations throughout the day getting signatures and seeing some of dad's friends and some new riders that started this year.

Rhett called me for lunch. I met him at the Hard Rock and sat down across from him. "Where's Bella?" He asked. "I don't know she went back to the hotel last night when she couldn't find her ticket and I haven't seen her all morning." I told him.

"So how'd I do last night?" He asked. "Good." He smirked at me. "So what were you doing talking to Tandy last night?" "Why do you want to know?"

"Because I'm....." "Being nosey?" "No. I was just wondering if you were going to try and get a spot on the medical team." "Why?" He rolled his eyes. "Because I think it would be fun to have a friend on the team."

I rolled my eyes and went back to my plate. The receipt came and I was about to pay for it. "I got it." I was about to object that but he had already handed the waitress his card.

We walked out and he walked me to my car. "So what are you going to do tonight?" He asked as we walked. "Mm probably go watch cute cowboys ride bulls." I told him as he opened my car door. "I'll be watching for you in the crowd." He said as I got in the car. "And I'll take you tonight also. So make sure to look for me afterwards."

He closed my door and watched as I pulled away onto the road.

Rhett's POV
I watched as she pulled away from the parking spot. She's really matured since the last time I saw her. I kept thinking back to the bruise on her upper arm and that guy she broke up with. Wondering if the bruise was caused by him.

I shook it off again and got in my car. I drove to my signing hoping she would be there. It would be great if she got on the medical team. I pulled up to Cowtown Boots and got my signing pad.

Dad was meeting me tonight. Crap forgot about going to get him from the airport and having dinner tonight. Hope her dad's going to be in town tonight.

Belle's POV
I pulled up to the airport and popped the trunk for dad and JB as they walked out. "Bonner." I turned when dad did to see who it was. LJ came up asking for a ride to the MGM Grand. "Yeah put your bags in the trunk and hop in." I got out and moved the seat forward.

LJ climbed in the back as JB did on dad's side. I moved my seat back and got in. "Nice ride. Who rented it?" JB asked. "The one that's driving, with permission." I told him.

Once we got to the hotel I let LJ out and gave the keys to the valet so he could park it. They had their bags and I led dad up to the room I got. I texted Bella that her dad was here and asked Rhett where he was.

Rhett's POV
My phone buzzed, I checked it when I was done signing a picture. It was Belle, she picked my dad up from the airport along with her dad and JB. I told her where I was and to have my dad come by with his bags.

I had thirty minutes left to sign and it was getting longer. Dad walked in a few minutes later and I gave him the car keys. Once he came back people wanted his autograph too.

"You know BJ thinks your cool." He said. I thought for a moment before realizing it was Belle he was talking about. "Yeah. Um would you mind if I took her to dinner tonight? You get a chance to catch up with old friends."

"As long as you pay for it and make sure she doesn't." I sighed as I signed the last one. I had to get ready for tonight so a one hour nap and a shower will do me good.

When dad and I got back to the hotel I carried his bags up for him and he unlocked the room. I set his bags down and went into the bathroom to shower. After I was done I put a tee on with my boxers and crawled into bed.

Belle's POV
"So have you and Bella been having fun?" JB asked. Still locked out of his and Bella's room. "Yesterday we shopped until about five then we came back and got ready then went to eat. She forgot or lost her ticket last night and was trying to convince the bouncer she was your daughter."

"Yeah that doesn't work with them." Dad said. "So she went back to the hotel and I haven't seen her since." I jumped up and grabbed the room key she left and ran to her room. Leaving dad and JB there. I knocked on the door before I opened it.

There was a bang from in the bathroom. I saw a guys clothes on the floor and realized that she was in trouble. Her phone had plenty of missed calls and texts from me and her dad. "Bella." I called out.

She poked her head out from the bathroom. "Yeah if your dad finds him in here he's going to be irate." "Um could you wait outside to kick his rear for me." I nodded and left the room. I leaned on the wall and soon a guy came out in his underwear.

His clothes covering up the possible boner he had. Once he was far enough away I knocked on the door again and she let me in. "Nice way to kick someone out. In their underwear." I told her. "He's been trying to depants me all day. I hope my dad didn't see him." "He didn't even know but he will if his cologne is still lingering."

Belle June Bolton

Hey nother chapter for you!! Hope you like the book. Guys can be jerks but the best ones are those that make sure you don't pay for the meal and escort you to your vehicle and open doors for you.

How do you think Belle got her middle name?

Daddy's Little Cowgirl: Sequel to The One and OnlyWhere stories live. Discover now