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I drove to my graduation in my brand new truck that dad got me about a week ago. I had on a short dress and my tall Ariat tan boots. Once parked at the high school I got out and walked in.

Skyler was by the door as I walked in. He threw his arm around my shoulders as we walked to the back stage area. There were only fifty graduating this year.

I saw Thomas walk in and I hid behind a few of the guys. Of course my boyfriend is a year older than me. I went over by Allis and started talking to her.

"You are the only seventeen year old here." She said as I stood next to her. I shyly stood there waiting as she talked to her friends. I peeked out at the crowd and saw dad, my grandparents and my aunts, uncles and cousins.

I turned around running into Thomas. A cold look in his eyes made me look down. I walked away from him and got into line behind Skylar.

Once it was time to start I took a deep breath and followed Skylar to the stage. Thomas was sitting behind me on stage. He kicked my back while the principal was talking. I felt the bruise form on my back.

He kicked me once more before my row got up and waited to get our diploma. "I think I've got a bruise on my back." I said to Allis. She knew about Thomas and how he hurt the girl he was dating, she dated him before me.

"Belle Bolton." I walked up to the principal and shook his hand as he handed me my diploma. My family cheered as I walked over. My boots clacked on the hardwood floor of the stage.

I sat back down in my seat and Thomas kicked me once more. Ooh I wanted to kick his a so badly. He got up to get his and I sighed in relief. It will be a few seconds before he sits back down. They never called his name. He asked the principal why and the principal told him he didn't have his diploma.

Then made the announcement that Thomas couldn't graduate because of his grades and didn't have enough credit to graduate. He stormed off the stage and out of the auditorium. I feared what he was planning.

Once it was over I took off my gown and checked my back. It was a black patch with blue and yellow mixed in. When I got home I put a button down on and got a bag of ice and wrapped it in a paper towel.

I fixed it up before anyone could notice. Dad came in as I finished the top button. "Everyone's waiting downstairs to see you." I smiled and followed him down. Once outside I saw an amazing trailer for two horses and with a live in tack compartment.

"Wow. Wow, wow!" I said raising my voice with each word. I ran over to it and looked inside. My tack, grooming set and a whole bunch of new jeans, pearl snap shirts, an Ariat straw Stetson and a box?

I looked back at dad as he stood in the door way. As I opened the box an envelope fell out. It had my name on it in handwriting I didn't recognize. I sat up on the fold out couch and opened the envelope.

Dear Belle,
I told your father to give this to you when you graduated high school. If I don't make it don't worry about knowing me physically, I bet your father has plenty of me in you to get by. If he ever got remarried I wouldn't worry about the woman unless she cheated or was terrible to you. If he never did I know he raised you right. Good luck to your future and what ever you choose to do. The soles of these are worn but are still in great shape. Wear them everyday you can and show them off with pride. Stay beautiful baby girl and know that I've always loved you even if I'm not there to see you grow up.

By the end of the letter I was in tears. Dad wrapped me in a hug and held me as I opened the box. Inside was a beautiful pair of tan and blue Ariat boots.

I picked one up and looked at it. They were beautiful. "She would have been proud of you. Your so much like her that just seeing you everyday reminds me that she gave me you before she had to leave. I never wanted anyone else when she passed, because I knew there was never going to be another one like her for me. I hope that you'll stay my little girl even when some boy comes along and asks me to marry you."

"Dad, I'll always be your little girl no matter what. I'm glad that it was just the two of us the past seventeen years and five months." He hugged me again before we went inside to the family.

Hey one thing I didn't add to the first book was how June ended up with her grandparents, well her parents dropped her off on the way to NFR at her grandparents house

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Hey one thing I didn't add to the first book was how June ended up with her grandparents, well her parents dropped her off on the way to NFR at her grandparents house. Then they never came back for her. When her grandparents drove by the house it was for sale and empty. So that's how June ended up with her grandparents and this is the sequel to The One and Only.

So what do you think about Thomas?
Do you think Belle is spoiled by her dad?
What do you think will happen between Belle and Thomas?

Daddy's Little Cowgirl: Sequel to The One and OnlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora