That's What Bitches Get

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*Three weeks later*

Mia's POV

"I'm glad you decided to come." Zayn said.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure you are. Would you just tell me where to put my stuff? God, some gentleman you are, making me carry my stuff alone."

"That's what Bitches get." Niall sneered from the couch of the bus. I had to share a fucking bus with them.

"Fuck off Dick." I retorted, pissed.

He rolled his eyes, going back to his phone as Zayn grabbed one of my bags, leading me down a tight hall.

"That's my bunk, that's Louis's, Niall's, Harry's, and Liam's." He pointed at the bunks lining the wall. "Would you rather be above Harry or right across from Niall?"

I rolled my eyes, and snatched the bunk above Harry's, as Zayn took all my things to the big closet thingy.

I had to admit it was a nice bus. Too bad it was filled with of bunch of assholes.

"LOUIS!! Give it back!" Niall yelled suddenly.

I could hear Louis laughing loudly, and then a loud thud, and then somebody else laughing loudly.

I walked out to the main room to find Niall chuckling next to Harry, who looked like he might fall over from laughter. It was pretty funny. Louis was on the floor, a clutching a cell phone in one hand, and his knee in the other.

"What the hell?!" I asked.

"He stole my phone!" Niall accused, leaning over to snatch it from Louis's hand.


"He tried to run off with it, but went too fast and fell over." Niall laughed lightly, Harry still cracking up, and Louis rolling his eyes, getting up from the floor.

I rolled my eyes as well. "Well could you be more careful, I don't want anything broken."

Niall made a face at me, before I turned and walked back to my bunk, climbing into it.

I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep, until somebody was shaking me awake. Out of instinct, I reached out and slapped whoever it was, twisting around frantically to defend myself.

"OWW, what the hell?!"

I managed to sit up strait, and saw Harry standing there, clutching his cheek. "Sorry?"

He sighed. "I'm supposed to tell you dinners ready."

"You want me to eat with you?" I asked, knowing fully well that Louis, Niall, and Zayn all hated me. Probably Harry too.

Harry shrugged. "Liam cooked, and he said I had to ask if you wanted to join."

Oh yeah I forgot about Liam. To be honest he didn't seem too bad. "Oh. Well then yeah, I'll eat."

He smiled, and gave me his hand, pulling me up.

I caught myself smiling back, and mentally slapped myself silly. What the hell Mia?!

When we got to the table, Niall was already stuffing his face, Louis and Zayn were eating, and Liam was setting down another plate of pancakes. Yummy pancakes for dinner.

"Here Mia." Liam smiled, motioning for me to sit down.

"Thank you, Liam." I said, taking my seat across from the others.

Three forks clanged.


They were all staring at me in shock, except for Liam.

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