Because I'm Not Bloody Mental

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Emma's POV

"LET'S GO!" I cried, jumping in excitement.

They laughed, standing up.

"Ok! M, you pull ALL the shades down, and make sure there's no natural light coming in!"

She nodded, and hurried off.

"Taylor, go grab the alarm clocks from everyone's bunks."

She nodded.

"Harry, find a screwdriver so we can unscrew the door handle from the inside."

He grinned, showing off his dimples.

"Niall, go get shaving cream, maple syrup, some string, and a bucket of water."

His beautiful blue eyes sparkled mischievously. "Yes ma'am" He saluted, scurrying off.

I smiled to myself momentarily, before mentally slapping myself out of it. No Emma. Nono not good. Emma you CANT like Niall.

"Got it!" Harry walked out beaming.

"Done!" Mia chuckled.

A few minutes later everyone had everything. We set each alarm so that they'd all go off within ten seconds of each other, poured maple syrup all over the floor by his bunk, locked all ways of escape, covered his head and T-shirt, and strategically hung a bucket of water over his head so that when we pulled the string, which was threaded all the way to the outside, he'd be soaked. This was fun!

When we'd finished that, we unscrewed the inside part of the handle, and made our escape. Five minutes until the alarms go off!

We waited for our evil plan to detonate, when there was a sudden loud ring from inside, then another, and another, and another.... Niall was already cracking up.

We heard Zayn cry out from inside, and Harry yanked the string.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Zayn screeched.

Niall and Mia were doubled over in laughter.

"WHAT THE..... EWWWWW!!!!!!"

Harry killed himself laughing at that.


We were all I'm hysterics by now, as his constant complaints came from inside.

"Let me out!!!"

"Did you have a nice nap?" Mia giggled.

Whoa. What? Mia... Giggled? Weird.

"Guys!! You're so dead!"

We chuckled, turning around as a car pulled in.

When the guy walked out I noticed it was Louis.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mia dart behind Niall, Harry and Taylor stopped grinning immediately and Niall looked nervous.

"What's going on?" Louis asked.

"Louis help!" Zayn cried.

"What have you done?!" Louis rushed, opening the door, letting Zayn fall out. He was a sopping wet mess.

"What the fuck?!" Louis spat.

Mia's hand clutched Niall's forearm tightly.

Louis glared right at Mia, and she took a step back, accidentally yanking Niall with her.

"It's just a prank, chill." Niall assured him.

"Whys SHE still here."

Nobody answered.

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