That's Not Sass

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*Next Morning*

Mia's POV

I rolled over, feeling better than the previous night. I noticed my bed was moving, then realized the bus must be driving right now.

We were on our way to the area near Central Park and all.

I sat up strait, and slid out of bed, trying to be quiet incase someone was still sleeping.

I padded out to the kitchen/living room, and found Zayn and Louis on the couches.

Louis didn't look up from his phone, and Zayn gave a simple nod of acknowledgment.

Well then.

I walked to the kitchen area, and made some peanut butter toast, before plopping down on the couch to eat it.

"You're supposed to eat that in the kitchen." Louis pointed.

"You're supposed to be the cool funny one." I replied, taking a bite.

He made a face at me, and I flipped him the finger.

We could hear Zayn laughing at something on his phone.

I turned the tv on, and changed the channel to 'Project Runway'. I don't actually like that show, I just figured it would annoy Louis.

Sure enough he shot me a glare, then lunged at me and snatched the remote, changing the channel to 'Friends'.

I didn't protest, just smirked slightly, and finished my toast.

Harry walked out a minute later, his curly hair a flyaway mess on his head. "You ok?" He asked, plopping next to me.

I shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, but I don't think I'll be able to drink milk any time soon."

He nodded in understanding, as Liam walked in too.

"How's Niall?" Harry asked.

"Not too good. He's practically lost his voice. The doctor said he can't sing for a week. Oh and Mia, you can't either. No singing."

I let out a groan. "But we have the concert in two days. How are you going to do it with the opening act, and a fourth of your band gone?"

They shared a look. "We won't perform?" Louis said plainly.


"Because, we never perform without someone. If one of us can't do it, then nobody does." Harry explained, Liam and Zayn nodding.

"Well that's really sweet, but you have a huge crowd waiting for you."

Zayn shrugged. "We don't do everything they want. It's our lives."

That made me angry. "Don't ever say that. You owe them a lot. You would not be here without them! They voted for you through the whole X Factor. They voted for you in all those awards. They have always been there for you, and they don't deserve you to not show up, simply because you 'don't do everything they want.'"

They all stared at me, and I could see a tint of admiration in Harry's eyes.

"But how can we perform without Niall? We're supposed to perform the new songs again. He sings in all of them." Liam reasoned.

I shrugged. "Don't you miss the old songs? You've been playing the new ones this whole tour so far."

"I miss them!" Zayn said.

"Me too." Louis nodded.

"So, sing those. Surprise them. Sing the ones Niall doesn't have a solo in."

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