Positive again

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Chapter Treinta (30)

Positive Again

Mia's POV

I woke up, no longer on top of Harry. In fact, he wasn't even in the bed any more.

I rolled over to find him sliding his jeans back on, his hair wet. "Har..." My voice was raspy. I cleared my throat, starting over. "Harry?"

He looked up immediately. "Morning."

"What time is it?"

"Six thirty, we've got to be back at the bus by seven thirty."

I nodded. "Ok."

He tipped his head towards the bathroom door. "You should shower."

I frowned. "Why'd you shower without me?"

He chuckled. "Sorry, love."

I sighed, wrapping the sheets around me to pad to the bathroom, and jump in the sower. I turned the hot water on, letting our a screech. It was still cold and I'd forgotten to wait.

"What's wrong?" Harry was at the door.

"Cold." I shivered as the water heated up.

He chuckled again. "Mk. Hurry up."

I sighed, letting the water wash away the stickiness between my legs, but not wishing it to wash Harry's scent off.

I scrubbed clean quickly, hopping out to find Harry had left me a towel, and folded my clothes neatly on the counter. I dried off, fish tailing my wet hair and sliding my clothes on, before walking back the the room.

Harry was waiting for me on the bed, phone in hand.

"Ready? We've still got time to stop for breakfast as well."

I nodded, and he took my hand. We walked out of the room, hand in hand, and towards the elevator.

We were halfway down the hall, when the lights suddenly shut out.

"What on earth?"

He took his phone out, using it as a flashlight as several heads poked out of rooms, wondering what had happened.

We sat in silence a minute, just waiting, when the stairs to the door burst open.

I let out a shriek in shock, and it was too dark to even see who it was.

"Who's there?" A deep voice echoed.

I gripped Harrys hand, pressing against the wall.

"I said who's fucking there?!" They bellowed.

I screamed when whoever it was fired a GUN. I have no idea where the bullets went, but the entire floor was in sudden chaos.

People ran our of there rooms, and the person fired more shots in the dark. At one point a girl cried out that she'd been shot, and I clutched Harry's hand.

"HARRY!" I screeched when he was tugged away from me into the darkness.


"HARRY!" I stumbled towards his voice, but it was too dark. I could only see a foot in front of me.

"Mi..." His voice cut off suddenly.

My heart pounded. Harry. Harry, fuck no. I was flooded with panic.


There were two more gun shots, and the people around me ducked to the floor, crying out.

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