If We'd Been Sober

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Mia's POV

"You can't fucking tell me what to do Niall!" I hissed.

"I can when you're pregnant with my child! No more!" He yelled back.

I tried to push him off, already a little drunk.

He grabbed my wrists. "Mia stop."

"Let go of me."


"LET GO!" I screamed, earning several looks from other people.


"What's going on?!" El asked, she and Louis appearing from nowhere.

After everyone else had walked off, Niall had followed me everywhere. It drove me crazy. The entire time he'd kept trying to keep me from drinking and now he'd fucking stopped me completely.

"He's trying to tell me what to do!" I accused, ripping me wrists from his grip.

"She's trying to get completely wasted!" Niall cried.

Louis snatched the bottle from my hand, holding it out of my reach.



"Ellll." I whined.

"No more, Mia. You're pregnant." She said sternly, as Harry walked over.

He didn't look mean, annoyed, or anything like that. He looked like he had the day we'd gone to the movies, and the amusement park.

"Mia, let's go." He said.

I pouted, but obliged, following Harry through the crowd, and out the front door.

"I hate my life." I mumbled.

He gave me a look. "What happened between you and Niall?"

If I'd been sober I would have laughed, and walked away. But I wasn't. "He raped me." I said simply.

His eyes widened. "What?!"

I shrugged, suddenly feeling exhausted.

"So... It wasn't like... Like you didn't like it?"

I gave him a funny look. "Not really. I mean if it'd been willingly maybe, but no, I didn't particularly enjoy forced sex."

He sat down on the sidewalk, and leaned against the building.

I could smell the alcohol from inside, and I could here the loud music. Light poured out of all the windows.

I sat beside him and laid my head on his shoulder. "Why do you care?"

If he'd been sober, he would have stood up and laughed, walking away. But he wasn't.

"Because I think I might be in love with you."

I sat for a moment. "Yeah?"


And then we were kissing.

"Harry.... What the hell?!" Louis's voice yelled.

Harry and I pulled apart abruptly.

Louis was staring down at us. "What the fuck is going on?!"

"Fuck off Louis." I mumbled.", still not exactly sober.

"What are you doing?!"

"Nothing." Harry muttered.

"That sure as hell didn't look like nothing!"

"Well it was!" I yelled, standing up, my head pounding.

"Whatever. We're all ready to leave, so let's go."

Harry stood up, just as the others walked out.

Surprisingly, Louis, Harry and I were the only ones that had gotten remotely drunk. Obviously Liam and Dani were sober, and so was Niall. El had had a few drinks but that was all.

Nobody said anything as we walked to the van, and hopped in.

"Aww shit." Niall muttered.

"What?" El asked.

"Harry, Louis and Mia are the only ones that can drive here. And they're all drunk."

I didn't say anything, simply climbed to the back seat by myself.

While the others talked about getting back, I eventually fell asleep, still buzzing.


A/N.... Ahhh! Ok! And do you ship Nia (Niall and Mia) or Marry (Mia and Harry)?!?!

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