Pride and Prostitute

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*Two months later*

Mia's POV

"Good luck!" I smiled, kissing Harry's cheek before he followed the others to the stage. "Don't forget the words!" I added.

He turned around to flash me one last grin, before jogging on stage, receiving the deafening screams.

It was their first real concert of the tour. I had performed already, being the opening act.

Things were good. Kinda.

Harry and Taylor broke up, declaring 'she's not my type' and 'all he does is party'.

Louis had not laid a hand on me since that day with Emma, but had not restrained himself from the cold glances and mean looks.

Zayn was still Zayn.

Liam was amazing, and extremely helpful when I had confusion about my diabetic medicine, or the pregnancy.

Harry and I... Well... We weren't any more than just friends, but we certainly weren't any less.

But I know what you're all thinking.


The abuse continued for a week after I had confided in Taylor.

She had feared it was still because of her, but we soon learned differently.

Some disgusting person had been sending Niall tweets, actually and seriously threatening the lives of the other boys, my unborn child, and myself, unless he did whatever they told him.

Because of that, he had also done other things, including swearing at Louis, stealing Zayns hair products, filling Liam's bunk with spoons (not something that bothered Liam because of fear, so much as the annoyance of a bed full of spoons), and as you know, taking advantage of me.

Taylor is the only person that knows about his mistreatment of me, though the others all know about the tweeter, due to the fact that some of the pranks and crimes, (some almost as horrid as the one unfortunately bestowed upon me) were played on them.

Quite unfortunately, no matter how sweet and kind he acted, no matter how innocent and unfaulted he was, no matter how much I understood and respected his decision, I could not love him. Not as more than a friend. I no longer feared him, and fully believed he would never purposefully hurt me. I was completely comfortable sitting and watching tv with him, or merely talking. But I would never get the scary image of him out of my head. And so we would always be just friends.

Also unfortunately I did not feel the same way towards Harry. And had I not formerly explained we could not date we might already be engaged.

Of course I don't mean that literally, but we had grown very close and it was obvious the spark we'd first felt was still quite present.

As I watched them perform I felt strange.

It was a feeling I'd never really felt.


I was sincerely proud of them. It had only been a matter of months, but these five crazy retards had changed me.

They could all be sweet, if (in Louis's case) in a strange way, like protecting a friend, helping me with my medicine, letting me watch whatever I'd like on tv, letting me borrow his shampoo, even doing unspeakable things to protect his friends lives. They really were good guys. I had just never taken the time to see it before.

After the concert, we went to dinner at Nandos, since I'd never been there and Niall insisted I had to try it.

The food was good, scratch that, delicious, but it wasn't like my absolute favorite.

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