Mothers, Baby Bumps, and Kidnapping Rapists

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Mia's POV

My jaw dropped, and I stood frozen in shock.

"MIA!" Mom cried, running and trapping me in a hug.

I squirmed away, shaking my head. "What the HELL are you doing here?!"

"Baby, I...."

"Don't you DARE play me that way."

"Honey, I'm sorry, really."

"I don't care."

"Are these your friends?" She changed the subject.

"Mom, leave."

Of course, Liam and Dani knew about my mom, and Harry knew something.

"Mrs. Thorton?" Liam started. "You're kinda, um.... Trespassing? In our bus. How'd you even get in here?"

Mom waved it off. "Honey, please listen. I'm sorry, and...."

"Mom I don't CARE. I don't, and I wouldn't care even if you'd become a lawyer with a big house and a nice husband. You lost me. I'm gone from you. Get out."

"Baby, please you don't understand! It isn't my fault any of it!"

"Sure." I scoffed.

"You blame me that your father beat me?"

I narrowed my eyes, surprised at her directness.

"You blame me he killed your sister?"

"I blame you for MARRYING that asshole! I blame you for working as a prostitute!"

"But it isn't my fault! I know, I'm sorry, I never said. I'm sorry."

"Look, I'm sick of this. You put me through enough already."

"Baby, let me stay. Let me explain."

"Get lost." I stomped away.

Liam's POV

Her mum was on the couch bawling, and Harry and Dani were trying to calm her down.

Zayn went to find Mia, and I was standing awkwardly, not sure what to do.

"Babe, go grab her a water bottle." Dani sighed, as Mrs. Thorton slowly stopped sobbing.

I jogged to the kitchen and snatched a bottle from the fridge, walking back out and tossing it to Harry, who caught it and handed it to Mia's mom.

"Thank you dear."

I turned my head at the sound of the front door opening, and saw Niall enter.

He frowned. "Who's this?"

"This is..."

"I'm Mrs. Thorton." She cut me off, drying her tears.

His eyes widened as he recognized her. "Oh. Errmm... Hi."

"I'm very sorry for intruding. Really I don't know what got in to me. I just miss my little girl and..." She started crying again, but quickly shook her head, wiping her face again.

"Mrs. Thorton.."

"Call me Rebeca."

I nodded. "Do you have anywhere to stay the night?"

She shook her head. "No. I came last minute. I'll have to catch a ride back home."

"A plane ride? To California? You do know we're in England right?" Harry questioned.

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