First Birthdays and Anaphylactic Shock

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Chapter Treinta Dos (32)

First Birthdays and Anaphylactic Shock

*About one year later*

Mia's POV

I picked Lilly up, Andy knocking on the door. "Coming!"

"Mum? Want juice peas?"

"Shh, you can have some at Dads." I opened the door, Andy kissing me, and pecking Lilly's cheek.

"Ready, babe?"

I nodded, snatching Lilly's giraffe and following him down the hall towards Niall's and Louis's hotel room. The two of them were babysitting Lilly.

It was April 28, 2013, almost Lilly's first birthday. I was once again the boys opening act, like last year. We were currently in Paris on our day off, the concert on the 29.

Andy was my boyfriend, who was visiting for Lilly's birthday.

We knocked on the door, Louis answering immediately. "LILLY POO!"

Lilly giggled, reaching her arms out.

Louis kissed her, mumbling several of her pet names. (She had a million. Lilly Poo, poo bear, chicky poo, Lil, lil' Lil, baby boo, cheeky, goose, princess... Etc.)

"Mia?" Niall appeared, shooting Andy a dirty look. "Harry's got Lilly's blanket, could you get it?"

I rolled my eyes, knowing what he was doing. "Yeah." I jogged next door, knocking quickly.

The door opened, Liam sticking his head out. "Hey!"

"Hi, do you know where Lils blanket is?"

"Nope, I'll ask Hazza."

Harry met me at the door, Lilly's blanket in hand. "Here." He said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, and glaring at Sam. "Him?"

Harry's POV

"Yes, 'him'."

My gut twisted, and I knew I'd be lonely again tonight. I couldn't bring myself to even try to date. I hadn't slept with anyone since that night with Mia. I hated Andy. I knew what he did. I knew he'd hurt her and I new he was rough and abusive. She wouldn't admit it but I knew it. She was bad at lying to me.

"Mia... Mia you aren't going with him." I was done. Done being alone, done fearing for she and Lilly's safety around him, done missing them, done worrying over how she was treated. I wasn't letting her go. Fuck Niall, I was gonna fight for her with every ounce of strength I had.



"You aren't my boss..."

"I love you. I fucking love you. Does he?"

"Stop." She whispered.

"Does he? Has he ever told you that?"

"You hit me."

"And he doesn't? You're telling me he's never hit you, never yelled at you, never swore at you, never hurt you in bed, never been harsh with Lilly?"


"I know he has. I'm not an idiot, and I'm not letting that asshole touch another hair on yours or Lilly's head ever EVER again."

"Harry.... Please stop."


"Mia? Let's go, we'll be late."

She swallowed, following Andy slowly.

Na Na NaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora