That is the problem, last time you didn;t tell him and he left, maybe if you told him he would have stayed had he known. Are you going to let the same mistake happen again? Are you really willing to let him go back to LA without knowing how you feel about him?

I shook my head freeing myself from my own thoughts and Jensen’s face came back into focus as it moulded into a look of concern.

'Are you okay?' I let a small smile appear on my face and nodded

'Fine just lost in my own thoughts again.

'Kenz uh...' he shifted sitting up looking at me with a serious expression now on his face and I knew instantly what he was going to say.

'I know what you are going to say.'

'Really when did you become psychic?' he let out a chuckle to show he was teasing.

'You want to talk about the almost kiss, the other night.'

'Y-yeah I do, I sense you don't but we really need to talk about this Kenzie.' I nodded swiping some hair behind my ears and I shifted so I was sitting in front of him with my legs crossed under me. I grab the remote and put the movie on pause I knew it would distract me.

'I don't but I know we need to so lets do this.' I said Jensen copied me by sitting with his legs crossed under him then reached for my left hand.

'Kenzie I want to know how you feel? I know you are still mad at me for leaving and I can't say I blame you, it was a shitty move on my part, no matter the situation I should have come over and told you. If I could go back and do it again I would do it differently.'

'No I am not mad, not really....' he raised a brow 'Okay maybe a little, I do understand but yeah it was a shitty move, you were my best friend.... you were more than that, I loved you with all my heart and you just left.

'I didn't know that Kenzie, I swear if I knew you loved me I wouldn’t have gone, I loved... love you still but I thought there was no chance of us ever happening.'

'I should have told you how I felt.'

'You can tell me now?' he said I looked to him feeling my hands shake in his 'You don't have to if you are not ready.' he said just as his gaze broke from mine looking behind me.

Ruby's P.O.V:

'Okay so we will cut through this road here and drive west to here then hit the main road again at this point here.' I said confirming with Norman our journey.

'Exactly, should shave off at least an hour and a half off the journey time.' he replied folding the map back up placing it in his pocket.

'Great well I am going to go nap so I can take first night shift.'

'Okay sleep well.' Norman said kissing me before I headed back to kick them two out so I could rest. I stepped up to the door and saw Jensen and Kenzie talking, Kenzie had her back to me but Jensen looked intense, I must have caught his eye as he looked up, Kenzie quickly followed his gaze.

'Hey Hun what's up?' she asked with a fake smile I wanted to ask if she was okay but I knew her answer would be fine. I returned her smile

'Nothing, I ugh making sure you guys were okay, I ugh I shall leave you to it.' she smiled again and mouthed a thank you. I gave her a I’m here for you look and she nodded.

Norman made up his bed for me to sleep in when I told him they where having a much needed talk. He even lay down with me. Wrapping me up in a hug and I fell asleep pretty quick with the feeling of being safe and secure in his embrace.

All Nightmare Long (Norman Reedus & Jensen Ackles)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα