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Want to know what happened to their date?


'Yah!Hyung!Stop acting so childish!'

'Oooh!Mah kookeh is mad!Hahahaha!'

He laughed showing his eye smile,which made me fell in love with him.

'Stop rubbing ice cream on my face,hyung!'

He just won't stop.

It irritates me,but nah,I love him.

'But I want to make a kookie's 'n cream!!',he whined like a child.

I smiled at his cuteness and poke his nose with an ice cream on my finger.

'Then I'll be the cookie and you'll be the cream.'

'Yuck!Since when did you start acting so cringey?',he said and laughed.

I laughed with him and put an arm to his shoulder and his head.

(Yeah...The phone was floating when they took a pic...lol)

'Lets take a pic,hyung!!'

'Lets take a pic,hyung!!'

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 - - -

As we were walking,'All You Need is Love' started playing at the park.

'Isn't that so old?',Jimin chuckled.

'This song is never old for us.'

I dragged him near the streetlight.And sat somewhere there.

(Its nighttime guys.Its night.) 

There was almost no one at the park.


'Hmm?',he hummed and swayed his legs,as it was not touching the floor.

'Are idols not able to fall in love?'

He stopped swaying his legs and looked down.

'Why ask?'

'Nah,just wondering.',I shrugged and looked in front.

'Us,idols,have this in our contracts.It's either we're not allowed to fall in love or we choose not to fall in love.'

* * * 

A cliffhanger!

This is literally the last chapter here,guys.

Jimin's last sentence.

Don't forget it. 

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